Askar Mamin instructs to take measures to prevent unjustified growth in prices for building materials

At a government conference call chaired by Prime Minister Askar Mamin, issues of pricing for building materials were considered.

The reports were made by the Chair of the Agency for the Protection and Development of Competition Serik Zhumangarin and Minister of Industry and Infrastructure Development Beibut Atamkulov.

According to the Bureau of National Statistics, the rise in prices for January-May of this year. for primary housing was 8%, for secondary housing — 13%. In January-April, prices for domestic building materials rose by 16%.

According to the Ministry of Industry and Infrastructure Development (KazNIISA), prices for concrete (12%), cement (5%), polyethylene pipes (10%), silicate brick (6%) have increased since the beginning of the year.

The largest increase in prices is observed for import-dependent materials - fittings and glass, the availability of which in the domestic market is less than 50%.

According to the information of the participants of the building materials market, the main reasons for the rise in prices were the rise in prices since January of this year for electric power, fuels and lubricants and services of the main railway network.

In order to combat speculative growth in prices for building materials, the Agency for the Protection and Development of Competition sent 26 notifications to eliminate signs of violations and the need to reduce prices to manufacturers and suppliers of bricks, cement, reinforcement, crushed stone, polyethylene pipes.

To exert a price influence on market participants, compliance with the norms of antimonopoly legislation was concluded with 10 manufacturers of building materials.

The increase in the cost of housing was influenced not only by the growth in the cost of building materials, but also by the rush demand. According to the Bureau of National Statistics, since the beginning of the year, the number of transactions has increased 2.5 times compared to last year. In this regard, as part of the execution of the order of the Head of State to prevent the rush and increase in prices in the housing market, notifications of price reductions were sent to 14 construction companies.

“The high pace of construction increases the need for building materials, which account for almost 50% of all construction costs. In this regard, it is extremely important to take urgent measures to exclude unjustified price increases and ensure strict control in the market,” Mamin said.

The head of government instructed the Agency for the Protection and Development of Competition, together with the Ministry of Industry and Infrastructure Development, as well as akimats to take tough measures against unscrupulous manufacturers and suppliers.

The Prime Minister instructed the Ministry of Industry and Infrastructure Development, together with NCE Atameken, to work out the possibility of concluding long-term purchase agreements between developers and manufacturers of building materials.

The Ministry of Industry and Infrastructure Development, together with akimats and NCE Atameken, was instructed to ensure the timely introduction of the planned import substitution projects in the construction sector.

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