Jamilya Abdukadyrova appointed director of Presidential Archive

By the order of the Head of State, Jamilya Abdukadyrova was appointed director of the Archive of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan. This was reported by the press service of Akorda.

To the staff of the Archive, the newly appointed director was introduced by Head of the President’s Chancellery Makhmud Kasymbekov who wished high achievements and successes in the work.

Abdukadyrova worked for more than 15 years in the Archive of the President, passed all career levels from the position of a specialist to a deputy director.

Kasymbekov also expressed gratitude to the former director of the Archive, Boris Dzhaparov, for his impeccable service, exemplary performance of official duties and handed him the departmental award — the breastplate "Minsiz Qyzmeti Ushin" on behalf of the Administration of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan.


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