Askar Mamin discusses agricultural engineering cooperation with General Director of Peterburgsky Tractorny Zavod Sergey Serebryakov

Prime Minister Askar Mamin held a meeting with Director General of Peterburgsky Tractorny Zavod JSC Sergey Serebryakov.

At the meeting, issues of cooperation and prospects for the development of the production of Kirovets tractors in Kazakhstan were discussed.

The general director of the plant, Sergey Serebryakov, expressed interest in cooperation in organizing the assembly of tractors, in setting up production of components: cardan shafts, wheel disks and other equipment at the facilities of Agromash Holding KZ.

Localization of production is planned to be carried out in three stages: 2019, 2021, 2023.

Following the meeting, the Prime Minister Askar Mamin instructed the Ministry of Industry and Infrastructure Development of Kazakhstan, jointly with the Peterburgsky Tractorny Zavod to prepare a Roadmap for implementing joint cooperation.

The products of JSC Peterburgsky Tractorny Zavod are highly demanded In Kazakhstan. According to the Ministry of Agriculture, the annual demand is about 400 tractors.

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