Ministry of Culture and Sports: Implementation of State Program will improve quality of tourism in Kazakhstan

At the press conference in the Government’s press center the Minister of Culture and Sports Arystanbek Mukhamediuly spoke about the proposed measures for the development of the tourism industry until 2025.

As the minister noted, the developed draft state program includes new standards that will contribute to the development of tourism in Kazakhstan.

“In the development of tourism, our country is only taking the first steps. If tourism develops in Georgia or Azerbaijan with long strides, then we are only proceeding to this. That’s why we have developed this ambitious real program aimed at promoting tourism activities,” said Mukhamediuly, stressing that tourism is one of the fastest growing sectors of the economy and its share in the global economy’s GDP is 10%.

Mukhamediuly also said that Kazakhstan is very rich for various nature reserves. But in most cases they are closed to tourists, including due to the lack of necessary infrastructure.

“For example, our Charyn canyon has great potential, our task is to create management companies and open our beautiful natural areas for tourists. With skillful management, the money will be directed to the preservation and development of these parks,” said the minister.

Also Minister Mukhamediuly explained that the so-called tourist tax (bed tax) is a worldwide experience.

“We want to introduce it only for foreign business travelers arriving in Almaty and Astana for major events. For example, if one hotel room costs $350-500, of which $2 will be included in the price. We need it, in all countries of the world there is this collection — the US, Turkey, other European countries and so on. These 2-4 dollars are spent on the development of tourism. Now we are all taking money for the implementation of a program from the budget. So now our task is to move away from this, go to market conditions. We will work more and engage in more active work to lure tourists to increase the number of these fees,” the speaker stressed.

At the same time, this provision will not affect foreigners visiting Alakol, Borovoye and other places for recreation. This fee also does not apply to Kazakhstan citizens. These funds are planned to be used for marketing and promoting Kazakhstan as a popular tourist route.

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