There are no reasons for food prices rising – MNE RK

Today during the press conference following the meeting of the Government, Minister of National Economy Timur Suleimenov commented on the rumours about sharp increase of food prices due to the end of Expo-2017.

“To tell the truth, the question is raised constantly. When the Expo begun, the question of whether there will be a food price increase for the time of exhibition, was asked.  You know that it is impossible to keep prices down in the stores near our houses, for wholesale and retail. Neither we nor the akims were engaged in this. This is a market,” the minister said.

Timur Suleimenov advised the journalists not to pay attention on such information. According to him, prices for products included in the food basket have been decreased.

“Summarizing the results of eight months we have 0.9% deflation for the big part of the product line. As you know, an inflation of 7% has arisen in eight months. An increase of 0.1% was for non-food products and services. But for the food products we had a deflation. Prices have risen for a number of products, but if we take the food basket, there is a cut in prices,” T. Suleimenov noted.

According to him, this dynamics will keep continuing at least a month. Also T. Suleimenov added that the prices for bread are under special control of appropriate bodies.

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