Zhuldyz Omarbekova appointed vice minister of social development of the Republic of Kazakhstan

By the decree of the Government, Zhuldyz Omarbekova was appointed to the position of vice minister of social development of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Zhuldyz Omarbekova was born in 1983 in Almaty.

She graduated from the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University with a degree in law, she is a candidate of sociological sciences.

She began her career in 2001. In different years she worked as a sociology teacher; executive director, president of the Bauyrzhan charity foundation.

In 2013-2014, she held the position of acting head, head of the Department of Culture of Almaty, in 2014-2015, she was a deputy akim of the Nauryzbaysky district of Almaty. From May 2016 to present, she was a first deputy chairman of the Almaty City Branch of the Nur Otan Party.


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