Bakytzhan Sagintayev holds a meeting on export development

Today in Ukimet Uyi, the Prime Minister Bakytzhan Sagintayev held a meeting on issues of export development.

During the meeting, the directions of the implementation of the integrated national system for the development of exports of agricultural production and products of its processing were discussed. An "export basket" of goods that have export potential was considered.

For reference: The export of agricultural products and products for January-August of 2017 amounted to $1 347.9 million. Compared to the same period in 2016, there was an increase in exports of agricultural products by 10.6% (from $1205.9 million to $1,347.9 million), including agricultural products processing by 9.9% (from $563.1 million to $625 million). The main volume of exports is accounted for wheat (28.3%) and flour (21.0%).

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