Prime Minister Bakytzhan Sagintayev participates in plenary session of the Senate of the Parliament

Today, the Prime Minister Bakytzhan Sagintayev took part in the Senate plenary session, during which the law "On Guaranteed Transfer from the National Fund of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2018-2020" was adopted, and the draft law "On the Republican Budget for 2018-2020" was considered.

The draft Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On Guaranteed Transfer from the National Fund of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2018-2020" was presented to the senators by the Minister of National Economy Timur Suleimenov. Starting from 2020, the amount of guaranteed transfer to the republican budget will be fixed and amount to 2 trillion tenge.

Adoption of the bill will ensure the balance of the budget and fully finance the republican budget expenditures, including those aimed at increasing economic activity and employment in the economy.

In addition, the draft law "On the Republican Budget for 2018-2020" was considered. The document was presented by the Minister of National Economy T. Suleimenov, the Minister of Finance B. Sultanov and the Chairman of the National Bank, D. Akishev. In general, the document was approved. At the same time, proposals on amending and supplementing the draft law were received from the committees and individual deputies during the discussion. The draft law is aimed at finalizing the Majilis of the Parliament.

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