Bakytzhan Sagintayev instructs regional akims to keep heating period issues under tight control

Dec. 25 at the meeting of the Government, Prime Minister Bakytzhan Sagintayev, after considering the issue of the heating period, gave a number of specific instructions.

After hearing the reports of ministers of energy Kanat Bozumbayev, for investments and development Zhenis Kassymbek, as well as akims of several regions, Prime Minister Bakytzhan Sagintayev noted that in general the current heating period passes without serious technological violations. At the same time, akims were instructed to keep this issue under tight control.

In addition, given the upcoming New Year holidays and the possible lowering of the outdoor temperature in some regions, local executive bodies were instructed to take additional measures to provide heat and power supply facilities with the necessary volume of fuel, spare parts and necessary materials, to attract additional technical resources, to organize the 24-hour watch of relevant organizations and response teams. It is indicated that in order to provide the population with high-quality heat, water and energy supply, akimats need to take concrete actions.

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