10 December 2020, 17:34
As part of the implementation of the Head of State’s order on the development of the engineering industry, an agreement on the establishment of the International Center for the Development of Oil and Gas Engineering was signed on Nov. 30, 2020. In an interview with PrimeMinister.kz, Deputy of the Majilis of the Parliament, Chair of the Board of the Union of Mechanical Engineers of Kazakhstan Meiram Pshembayev told about the purposes of creating the Center.
As the head of the board noted, the purpose of the center is to localize the production of goods for the oil and gas industry of Kazakhstan by opening new industrial enterprises and service centers, and promoting investment activities.
“It's no secret that at the moment we are forced to buy oil and gas equipment for up to $2 billion annually. The creation of this center will help attract high competencies to Kazakhstan, as well as original manufacturers, which are enough in the world. By attracting new technologies, create at least 10 new large production facilities for the production of oil and gas equipment,” Pshembayev said.
By signing this agreement, the operators of major projects in the oil and gas sector confirm their interest. They have contractors — well-known world trends — companies that supply equipment.
“Our task is to dock Kazakhstani business and suppliers of large operators in order to create joint ventures in Kazakhstan for the production of oil and gas equipment. Operators, expressing their interest, open shortlists for the purchase of oil and gas equipment, help to attract personnel for oil and gas engineering from abroad. This center will focus on the brain center for the formation of joint ventures, the attraction of technologies and the organization of production in our country,” explained the chair of the board.
The center will be funded by operators of oil and gas projects and operate on a non-profit basis.
“We hope that the International Center for the Development of Oil and Gas Engineering will start working in the new year and will make its worthy contribution to the development of oil and gas engineering in our country,” Pshembayev assured.
It is worth noting, the document was signed by Minister of Energy Nurlan Nogayev, First Vice Minister of Industry and Infrastructure Development Kairbek Uskenbayev, Chair of the Board of the Union of Machine Builders of Kazakhstan Meiram Pshembayev, General Director of PSA LLP Beket Izbastin, project managers Karachaganak Petroleum Operating Edwin Blom, North Caspian Operating Company Richard Hove and Tengizchevroil Emer Bonner.
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