Following results of 11 months of 2021, 10 trillion 179 billion tenge of revenues received by state budget — Ministry of Finance

At the government session chaired by Prime Minister Askar Mamin, the results of the country's socio-economic development and the execution of the republican budget for January-November 2021 were considered. Minister of Finance Yerulan Zhamaubayev reported on the execution of the republican budget, local content in public procurement.

Indicators of the execution of public finances based on the results of 11 months of this year developed as follows.

The state budget received revenues in the amount of 10 trillion 179 billion tenge, or the plan was fulfilled by 103.6%.

The republican budget received revenues in the amount of 6.7 trillion tenge, or the plan was fulfilled by 101.7%.

In general, the income plan was exceeded by 109 billion tenge, of which taxes — by 51 billion tenge, non-tax revenues — by 54 billion tenge.

The main amounts of overfulfilled taxes are attributable to CIT, ETP for crude oil and MET.

As the Minister of Finance noted, the overfulfillment of the CIT plan is associated with an increase in the amounts of declared advance payments for 686 large taxpayers by 73%.

“The overfulfillment of the ETP plan for crude oil was influenced by the increase in oil prices for 11 months of this year. on average by 48.7%. As for the severance tax, the overfulfillment of the plan was influenced by the rise in prices for 11 months of this year in comparison with the same period in 2020 for the main export positions by an average of 27%. The overfulfillment of the plan for non-tax revenues was mainly ensured by dividends on state blocks of shares held by the state and fines, penalties, sanctions, and penalties imposed by state institutions,” Zhamaubayev explained.

At the same time, the plan was not fulfilled for VAT on TVP. Failure to fulfill the plan for VAT on TVP is associated with an increase in VAT refunds for 11 months of this year compared to the same period last year by 340 billion tenge, or 62%.

Local budget revenues were executed by 107.5% and amounted to 3.5 trillion tenge.

The plan was exceeded by 243 billion tenge, of which taxes — by 202 billion tenge.

The plans were overfulfilled for practically all types of basic taxes. State budget expenditures were executed by 97.5%, republican — by 99.4%, local budgets — by 95.8%.

Under the republican budget, expenses were made in the amount of 13 trillion tenge.

Non-fulfillment amounted to 81 billion tenge, of which 15 billion tenge are savings.

Not utilized — 66 billion tenge.

“The largest amounts of undeveloped money were in the ministries of culture and sports, digital development, innovation and aerospace, industry and infrastructure development, agriculture and internal affairs. The main reasons for not mastering: payment was made for the actually rendered volume of services; untimely submission of acts of completion, invoices; long-term holding of competitive procedures; the need to amend the financing plans,” explained the Minister of Finance.

Local budget expenditures amounted to 8 trillion tenge. Not executed — 327 billion tenge. In this year regions are provided with targeted transfers in the amount of 2.5 trillion tenge. As of Dec. 1, they were allocated 2 trillion 157 billion tenge. Of these, 94.2% have been mastered. Not executed — 124 billion tenge, including savings — 21 billion tenge.

The greatest undevelopment has developed in Nur-Sultan, Almaty, West Kazakhstan, Turkestan regions and Almaty.

According to the head of the department, for 11 months of this year, cameral control covered about 897 thousand public procurement procedures for 11.3 trillion tenge.

Based on the results of the inspections, violations were established in 36.8 thousand procedures, of which 97% of notifications on elimination of violations were executed by the state audit facilities.

2,996 audit events were carried out. The audit covered 1 trillion 848 billion tenge of budgetary funds. Financial violations were established for 157 billion tenge.

Violations for 127 billion tenge were eliminated by restoring the supply of goods, providing services and performing work, reimbursing to the budget and reflecting on accounting. To improve and increase the efficiency of the audit objects, 2.6 thousand recommendations were given.

At the same time, the comprehensive privatization plan for 2021-2025 provides for the implementation of 733 objects.

During the reporting period, 197 objects were sold and transferred to trust management with the right of subsequent redemption in the amount of 52 billion tenge.

112 objects are on sale. 16 objects are aimed at reorganization and liquidation. 348 objects are to be realized.

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