About 8 million Kazakhstanis proposed to be exempted from mandatory declaration of income

Minister of Finance of Kazakhstan Madi Takiyev at the Government session reported on the implementation of the Head of State's instruction to revise approaches to universal declaration.

The introduction of a system of universal declaration of income and property of individuals in Kazakhstan is implemented in stages from 2021. For convenience, electronic services have been implemented through which declarations can be submitted: the Cabinet of the taxpayer (cabinet.salyk.kz), the web portal of the "Electronic Government" (egov.kz), mobile applications "e-Salyq Azamat" (tax wallet), "eGov mobile" and through banking services.

Within the first three stages, 4.8 million people have already joined the system of universal declaration, including civil servants, managers and founders of commercial organisations, quasi-governmental sector and their spouses. In 2025, the remaining category of citizens will be obliged to submit declarations. This is about 8 million people.

Since the adoption of the Concept of Universal Declaration 14 years have passed. During this time, the databases of state bodies and authorised organisations have been digitised, the share of non-cash payments has reached 86%, financial and currency control has been strengthened, data exchange on financial accounts has been established within the framework of international agreements, and digital services are widely spread.

"Taking into account the possibilities of automated tax control and in implementation of the Head of State's instruction to revise approaches to universal declaration, it is proposed to exempt this category of citizens from submitting declarations of assets and liabilities. The exemption will affect more than 90 per cent of individuals in this category. At the same time declaration is proposed to retain for persons who have assets outside the Republic of Kazakhstan, made acquisitions worth more than 20 thousand MRP during the year, received income taxed independently. In addition, citizens will be given the right of voluntary declaration," the Minister said.

To fix the existing assets of individuals will provide a mechanism for obtaining information from all digital databases, including second-tier banks. The relevant legislative amendments have been prepared.

#Finance #Government session

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