17 February 2022, 20:00
The Board of the Ministry of Agriculture considered the results of the development of the agro-industrial complex of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2021 and tasks for 2022.
Main macroeconomic indicators of the agro-industrial complex
In January-December 2021, the volume of gross agricultural output decreased by 2.4% and amounted to 7.4 trillion tenge. The reason for the decline is the abnormal drought last year, due to which the volume of crop production decreased by 6.7% (4.2 trillion tenge), although livestock production achieved an increase of 3.6% (3.1 trillion tenge). Food production for the specified period increased by 1.9% and amounted to 2.2 trillion tenge.
There is a steady trend of investment in the fixed capital of agriculture. Thus, the volume of investments in fixed capital of agriculture increased by 33.3% and amounted to 773.2 billion tenge, in food production increased by 3.1% and amounted to 114.4 billion tenge.
Labor productivity per person employed in agriculture for 9 months of 2021 amounted to 2,153.5 thousand tenge (for 9 months of 2020 - 1,823.5 thousand tenge).
Development of crop production in 2021
In 2021, the sown area of all agricultural crops amounted to 22.9 million hectares, which is 343.3 thousand hectares more than in 2020. Of these, grains and legumes - 16.0 million hectares (more by 236.9 thousand hectares), including wheat - 12.9 million hectares (more by 749.9 thousand hectares). Oilseeds are located on an area of 3.1 million hectares (more by 197.3 thousand hectares), fodder crops - by 3.1 million hectares (less by 82.8 thousand hectares), cotton - by 109.9 thousand hectares ( less by 16.0 thousand ha), rice - by 96.8 thousand ha (less by 7.3 thousand ha), sugar beet - by 21.7 thousand ha (more by 0.9 thousand ha) , potatoes - by 195.8 thousand hectares (more by 1.4 thousand hectares) and vegetable crops - by 168.6 thousand hectares (more by 5.0 thousand hectares) and gourds - by 110.0 thousand hectares ha (more by 8.1 thousand ha).
In accordance with the data of the Bureau of National Statistics of the Agency for Strategic Planning and Reforms of the Republic of Kazakhstan (hereinafter referred to as BNS ASPiR RK), in 2021, the indicative indicators of memorandums on diversifying the structure of sown areas were achieved for the total sown area of agricultural crops in the republic (by 831.9 thousand hectares exceeds the indicators of memorandums) for grain and legumes (more by 2.0 million hectares), oilseeds (more by 143.0 thousand hectares), vegetables (more by 8.6 thousand hectares) and melons (more by 10.6 thousand hectares). Indicative indicators were not achieved for potatoes on 6.7 thousand hectares and fodder crops - on 1.3 million hectares.
At the same time, instead of reducing the area of wheat against the indicator of the memorandum, it was exceeded by 2.8 million hectares. The area under rice sowing was exceeded by 11.5 thousand hectares against the indicator of the memorandum. The area of cotton is at the level of the indicator of the memorandum.
According to the BNS ASPIR RK, in 2021, 16.4 million tons of grain and leguminous crops were harvested in weight after processing (3.6 million tons less than in 2020) with an average yield of 10.4 centners per hectare (less than 2.4 centners /ha). Of these, 11.8 million tons of wheat were harvested (less by 2.4 million tons) with a yield of 9.3 centners per hectare (less than 2.5 centners per hectare).
In 2021, 2.4 million tons of oilseeds were harvested (less by 126.4 thousand tons) with a yield of 8.3 centners per hectare (less than 1.2 centners per hectare), 332.2 thousand tons of sugar beet (less by 134.2 thousand tons) with a yield of 275.5 q/ha less by 47.7 q/ha), 290.4 thousand tons of cotton (less by 36.2 thousand tons) with a yield of 26.4 q/ha ha (more by 0.5 c/ha), 503.8 thousand tons of rice (less by 53.0 thousand tons) with a yield of 52.1 c/ha (less by 2.3 c/ha less), 4 million tons of potatoes (more by 24.8 thousand tons) with a yield of 207.4 centners per hectare (more by 0.7 centners per hectare), 4.5 million tons of vegetables (more by 171.2 thousand tons) with productivity 268.0 c/ha (more by 2.1 c/ha), 2.8 million tons of gourds (more by 353.5 thousand tons).
According to the regional agricultural departments, in 2022 the sown area of all agricultural crops will be more than 22.9 million hectares, which is 13.5 thousand hectares more than in 2021. Of these, cereals and legumes - 15.8 million hectares (less by 272.9 thousand hectares), including wheat - 12.5 million hectares (less by 357.6 thousand hectares). Oilseeds are planned to be planted on an area of more than 2.9 million hectares (less by 160.1 thousand hectares), fodder crops - by 3.7 million hectares (more by 446.9 thousand hectares), cotton - by 115.2 thousand hectares. hectares (more by 5.5 thousand hectares), sugar beet - by 26.3 thousand hectares (more by 4.6 thousand hectares), potatoes - by 200.2 thousand hectares (more by 5.0 thousand hectares). hectares), vegetables - by 168.1 thousand hectares (at the level of 2021) and gourds - by 107.2 thousand hectares (less by 3.3 thousand hectares).
The use of mineral fertilizers and pesticides
In 2021, according to the akimats of the regions, the application of mineral fertilizers amounted to 626.5 thousand tons, or 24% of the scientific need. Last year, 28.6 billion tenge was allocated to subsidize the cost of purchased fertilizers, which made it possible to reduce the price of 493.8 thousand tons of mineral fertilizers (79% of the purchase volumes).
Every year, the North-Kazakhstan region is actively increasing the volume of fertilizer use. At the end of 2021, 160.0 thousand tons of mineral fertilizers were applied in the region, which is 26% of the total republican value. Also, the Kyzylorda region can be noted, which in recent years has almost completely covered the scientific need for fertilizers (the application is 85-87% of the need).
In 2021, at the expense of the program for subsidizing the cost of pesticides, chemical treatment was carried out on an area of 27.9 million hectares, 16.6 million liters of pesticides were subsidized. For these purposes, 32.3 billion tenge was allocated from the local and republican budgets.
In 2022, according to local executive bodies, the application of mineral fertilizers is planned at the level of 695.0 thousand tons, which is 68.5 thousand tons more than in 2021. For 2022, 26.8 billion tenge are provided for subsidizing fertilizers in the local budgets of the regions. For 2022, 31.7 billion tenge is provided to subsidize the cost of pesticides.
For 2021, the local budgets of the regions provide 11.5 billion tenge to subsidize the development of seed production in the local budgets of the regions, and an additional 4.3 billion tenge was allocated from the republican budget. In order to ensure the availability of seeds for agricultural producers (hereinafter referred to as SHPP) engaged in the production of tomatoes and cucumbers in protected ground, subsidies for tomato and cucumber seeds have been included since 2021.
The measures taken in the field of seed production have improved the quality of the seed material used. Thus, according to the akimats of the regions, the volume of use of low-quality seeds in 2021 decreased compared to 2020 from 181 thousand tons to 76 thousand tons, or 2.4 times, the share of use of elite seeds increased from 6.8% in 2020 to 7.7% in 2021.
It should be noted that over the past five years, there has been an increase in the percentage of provision of seed producers with sowing equipment from 70% to 89.4%, harvesting from 80% to 92%, seed cleaning from 63% to 81.4%.
At the same time, the growth rate of updating the material and technical base of seed producers has been in recent years. So, in almost all regions of the republic there are advanced seed-growing farms equipped with modern seed-cleaning complexes. Modern seed cleaning lines are available from 32 seed producers.
For 2022, 11.8 billion tenge are provided in the local budgets of the regions to subsidize the development of seed production. According to the operational information of the akimats of the regions, as of February 7 this year. 2.3 million tons of seeds were filled up, which is 100.8% of the plan, of which 2.0 million tons of grain crops (101.3% of the plan), oilseeds - 89.1 thousand tons (96.2% of the plan) to the plan), fodder - 15.3 thousand tons (80.4% of the plan), potatoes - 237.3 thousand tons (99.9% of the plan).
For the sowing campaign in agricultural formations, there are 143.3 thousand tractors, 4.7 thousand units of high-performance sowing complexes, 76.9 thousand seeders, 221.2 thousand tillage implements.
The presence in the republic of more than 4,675 units of modern sowing complexes, simultaneously performing several technological operations, makes it possible to sow 70% of the area of grain crops. The readiness of the specified equipment for February 1 this year. is about 90%.
The Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan (hereinafter - the Ministry of Agriculture), in accordance with the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On State Regulation of the Production and Turnover of Certain Types of Oil Products", together with the akimats of the regions, determined the need for diesel fuel for sowing this year.
This year, the demand of the regions for diesel fuel for sowing work amounted to 400.0 thousand tons, which is 20.0 thousand tons more than the amount allocated last year. The difference is largely due to the need for agrotechnical work (closing moisture, etc.) on additional areas.
The need of the regions with their respective calculations January 6 this year. sent to the Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan for consideration and approval of the Shipment Schedule, as well as determining a fixed price for the allocated volumes of cheaper diesel fuel.
In 2021, according to the regional akimats, the area of irrigated land used was 1,527 thousand hectares, which is 16.8 thousand hectares more than in 2020.
In accordance with the data of the BNS ASPIR RK, in general, over the past 6 years, crop production has shown positive dynamics, while there are negative dynamics for individual crops. So, if in 2020 the crop was harvested on irrigated lands on 1.2 million hectares, then in 2021 this figure amounted to 1.4 million hectares.
Thus, the gross harvest for certain main agricultural crops on irrigated lands for 2021 is as follows: cereals (including rice) and legumes - 1739.3 thousand tons, which is 23.8% more than in 2020 (1404.9 thousand . tons), sugar beet - 331.4 thousand tons, which is 44.8% more than in 2020 (228.8 thousand tons), raw cotton - 290.4 thousand tons, which is 10.8% less than the level of 2020 (325.6 thousand tons), vegetables - 2701.4 thousand tons, which is 23.8% more than the level of 2020 (2181.7 thousand tons), melons - 2332.3 thousand tons, which is 23.1% more than the level of 2020 (1894.2 thousand tons), oilseeds - 244.9 thousand tons, which is 65.9% more than the level of 2020 (147.6 thousand tons).
The area of irrigated land on which water-saving technologies have been introduced in the republic in 2021 amounted to 258 thousand hectares, which is 37 thousand hectares more than in 2020.
In accordance with the National Project for the Development of the Agro-Industrial Complex of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2021-2025 (hereinafter referred to as the National Agro-Industrial Complex Project), in 2022, the area of irrigated land on which water-saving technologies will be introduced is planned to be increased to 265 thousand hectares.
As part of subsidizing the cost of water supply services, 1,938 million tenge was disbursed in 2021, which made it possible to subsidize 1,010 agricultural enterprises. At the same time, the volume of subsidized water amounted to 2,783 m3.
Monitoring and assessment of the reclamation state of irrigated lands covers 1566.4 thousand hectares of irrigated lands, including constant reclamation monitoring in the Almaty region - 584.3 thousand hectares, Zhambyl - 140.0 thousand hectares, Turkestan - 574.4 thousand. hectares (including 25.3 thousand hectares of irrigated land in the territory of Shymkent) and Kyzylorda - 250 thousand hectares. In addition, environmental monitoring at IPID-1 facilities was carried out in East Kazakhstan (4.8 thousand ha), Akmola (1.2 thousand ha), Pavlodar (3.6 thousand ha), West Kazakhstan (2, 2 thousand ha), Karaganda (0.9 thousand ha) regions and at the IPID-2 facilities in Zhambyl (5.0 thousand ha) and Turkistan regions (67.3 thousand ha).
In the reporting year 2021, 761.4 thousand hectares (49%) were classified as having a good ameliorative condition. Lands with a satisfactory ameliorative condition are represented on an area of 477.0 thousand hectares (31%). Lands with unsatisfactory ameliorative condition are allocated on an area of 310.3 thousand hectares or 20% of the total controlled area of irrigated lands.
The main share (200.2 thousand ha) of irrigated lands with unsatisfactory reclamation conditions are located in the Turkistan region, in particular in the Maktaaral, Zhetysay, Shardarinsky and Otyrar regions, where the reclamation condition of irrigated lands depends on the geological structure of the area, as well as hydrological and irrigation factors.
An analysis of the reclamation state of irrigated lands over the past five years shows that areas with unsatisfactory reclamation conditions have decreased from 316.7 thousand ha to 310.3 thousand ha.
This is due to the restoration and reconstruction of irrigation and collector-drainage networks as part of large investment projects and operating costs of the water management organizations themselves, as well as due to improved compliance with a set of agrotechnical measures by agricultural producers through government support measures.
Monitoring and assessment of the ameliorative state of irrigated lands in 2022 is planned to cover 1574.1 thousand hectares of irrigated lands.
At the end of 2021, in the field of processing fruits and vegetables, production growth amounted to 154.6%, while there is a decrease in the production of flour and cereal products, starches and starch products, and vegetable and animal oils and fats (94.7% and 96.4%, respectively).
In physical terms, in 2021 compared to 2020, the production of cane sugar increased by 2.8 times (from 67.4 thousand to 191.1 thousand tons), processed potatoes by 4.5 times (from 449 tons to 2035 tons ), fruit and vegetable juices by 13.1% (from 58.9 thousand tons to 66.6 thousand tons), processed rice by 7.5% (from 196 thousand to 210.7 thousand tons), starch corn by 3.3% (from 13.7 thousand to 14.1 thousand tons), molasses by 42.7% (from 36.4 thousand to 52.6 thousand tons), gluten by 23.9% (from 6.1 thousand to 7.6 thousand tons).
At the same time, there is a decrease in the production of flour by 7.7% (from 3,352.4 thousand tons to 3,093.5 thousand tons), vegetable oil by 7.3% (from 486.3 thousand to 450.6 thousand tons), crackers and biscuits, confectionery and cakes with long shelf life by 4.3% (from 115.0 thousand to 110.0 thousand tons), pasta by 11% (from 179.5 thousand to 159 .8 thousand tons).
Cereal production remained at the level of 2020 (84 thousand tons).
For 11 months of 2021, the export of processed rice amounted to 106.2 thousand tons (an increase of 11.7%), cereals 13.7 thousand tons (an increase of 8.7%), pasta 59.9 thousand tons (an increase of 13.9%).
Under the program for subsidizing the costs of processing enterprises, 1 deep processing enterprise received subsidies in the amount of 200 million tenge.
Oilseed processing projects were put into operation in the Akmola region with a capacity of 230 thousand tons of raw materials processing per year and in the East Kazakhstan region with a capacity of 330 thousand tons of raw materials per year, a line for the production of bioethanol by BioOperation LLP was commissioned in North Kazakhstan region.
In 2022, it is planned to develop a new Roadmap for the processing of agricultural products, update passports as part of the investment subsidy program, as well as amend the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan on biofuels in terms of expanding the scope of biofuels.
In 2022, it is planned to introduce new projects:
1. Bakha Sone LLP with a capacity of 6 thousand tons of grain processing per year (Akmola region);
2. LLP Natizhe-Tatti with a capacity of 5.0 thousand tons of confectionery per year (Nur-Sultan);
3. LLP Elnur Adil Group with a capacity of 7 thousand tons of pasta per year;
4. Altyn Shygys LLP with a capacity of 140,000 thousand tons of oilseeds processing per year;
5. LLP Agrotechmash with a capacity of 4 thousand tons of pasta per year.
Phytosanitary security
In 2021, the spread of gregarious locust pests was predicted on an area of 640.9 thousand hectares, including Italian locust - 384.7 thousand hectares, Asian locust - 142.1 thousand hectares and Moroccan locust - 114.1 thousand hectares.
Two billion tenge was allocated from the republican budget for the fight against herd locust pests.
183 units of special spraying equipment were involved in the treatments (150 units of ground sprayers, 12 aircraft, 13 units of ultralight aircraft (ALVs) and 8 units of aerosol gas generators (GARD)).
Chemical treatments were carried out on an area of 626.1 thousand hectares, including against Italian locust - 404.6 thousand hectares, Asian locust - 131.9 thousand hectares and Moroccan locust - 89.7 thousand hectares.
Damage to crops by locust pests, as well as their migration to adjacent territories, was not noted. In 2022, the spread of gregarious locust pests is predicted on an area of 997.3 thousand hectares. 1.9 billion tenge was allocated from the republican budget for the fight against herd locust pests.
In 2022, it is planned to organize phytosanitary monitoring against harmful and especially dangerous pests on an area of 82.4 million hectares, as well as conduct chemical treatments against especially dangerous pests (herd locust pests) on an area of 997.0 thousand hectares.
In 2021, at the expense of the republican budget, chemical treatments were carried out on an area of 11,281 ha, of which against melon fly - 7,146 ha, tomato moth in open ground - 230.66 ha, against bacterial fire - 728.5 ha, dodder and ambrosia species - 204.1 ha and against creeping mustard (pink) - 2971.7 ha. 42.3 million tenge was allocated for these purposes.
There are 14 types of quarantine objects registered on the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan, while there are 20-30 of them in the border countries of the CIS, more than 100 in China, and more than 400 in non-CIS countries. The volumes of imported regulated products to the republic increase annually. From more than 100 countries of the world quarantine material of high phytosanitary risk comes.
To date, measures to examine the outbreaks of quarantine objects have been completed. Actually surveyed 3.4 million hectares or 100% of the plan. The area of distribution of quarantine objects in 2021 was 61.8 thousand hectares, which is 11.7 thousand hectares less than in the same period of the previous year.
In 2022, it is planned to organize monitoring against quarantine objects and alien species on an area of 3.4 million hectares. In January-December 2021, the volume of gross livestock production increased by 3.6% compared to the same period of the previous year and amounted to 3,104.5 billion tenge. As of January 1, 2022, compared to the same date last year, in all categories of farms, the number of cattle increased by 4.3% and amounted to 8185.1 thousand heads, horses - by 10.5% to 3470.8 thousand heads, camels - by 6.9% to 243.4 thousand heads, sheep - by 4.7% to 18,575.7 thousand heads, poultry - by 10.6% to 47,787.4 thousand heads. At the same time, the number of goats decreased by 1.2% to 2,280.7 thousand heads, pigs by 5.1% to 775.3 thousand heads.
At the same time, the share of cattle in agricultural formations was 47.7%, sheep - 49.4%, goats - 32.3%, pigs - 44%, poultry - 74.8%.
In January-December 2022, the volume of production of meat of all types in slaughter weight amounted to 1,241.3 thousand tons, which is 6.2% more compared to the corresponding period of the previous year, including:
At the same time, pork production decreased by 4.3% to 83.7 thousand tons.
According to the results of 2021, the volume of milk production increased in all categories of farms by 3.2% and amounted to 6,197.9 thousand tons, including in agricultural formations by 6.4% and amounted to 1,801.1 thousand tons. Of the total amount of milk produced in agricultural formations, the production of marketable milk increased by 2.9% (from 1,025.9 to 1,056.6 thousand tons).
The average milk yield in agricultural enterprises in 2021 increased by 13.6% compared to 2020 (from 4320 to 4906 kg per dairy cow).
In 2022, it is planned to ensure the growth of gross livestock production at the level of 3.5%.
In addition, due to subsidizing measures in animal husbandry, an increase in agro-formations by the level of 2021 is forecasted:
- the share of breeding livestock to 12.8%;
- volume of beef production by 7.0%;
- mutton production volume by 3.2%;
- volume of milk production by 7.2%;
- increase in the breeding stock of cattle and small cattle in organized farms by 10%;
- the number of breeding stock of cattle involved in the transformation of the breed by 5.0%;
- the volume of poultry meat production by 20%.
In recent years, there has been an increase in the number of farms participating in the program of selection and breeding work with the breeding stock of cattle (pedigree transformation), using sires of the meat direction of productivity. As of January 1, 2022, in total, 23.5 thousand farms with a total livestock of 1,238.0 thousand heads of breeding stock of cattle from 18 months of age participate in the Sybag breed transformation program across the republic. and 32.9 thousand heads of breeding bulls (or 33.0% of the total breeding stock of cattle).
At the same time, it should be noted that the proportion of the breeding stock participating in the breed transformation program is variable due to the technological cycle. This is due to the fact that the number of the entire livestock, incl. breeding stock from 18 months changes throughout the year.
According to the regional akimats, as of December 15, 2021, 24.2 million tons of hay or 102% of the plan, 1.6 million tons of haylage or 103%, 2.0 million tons of silage or 100%, 4.8 million tons were harvested straw or 100%, 5.2 million tons of feed or 95%.
Harvested fodder will provide fodder for the winter period for livestock in agricultural formations and private farms of rural residents.
At present, out of 184.3 million hectares of pasture land available, 103.2 million hectares or 56% of pastures have been watered.
For the irrigation of unused pastures in the period from 2014 to 2021, 9760 units were actually built in the republic, of which 6,874 units were built. wells were subsidized in the amount of 26.4 billion tenge. Due to watering, 913.7 thousand heads of cattle, 3,013 thousand heads of sheep, 309.3 thousand heads of horses and 43 thousand heads of camels were brought to distant pastures.
At the end of 2021, in the field of meat and milk processing, production growth amounted to 109.4% and 101.9%, respectively, which shows good growth rates. The production of meat and dairy products reached 774.4 billion tenge (in 2020 - 684.5 billion tenge).
In physical terms, in 2021 compared to 2020, the production of sausages increased by 1.1% (from 60.1 to 60.7 thousand tons), chilled and frozen fish by 13.9% (from 35.4 thousand tons to 40.3 thousand tons), canned fish by 13.7% (from 11.7 thousand tons to 13.4 thousand tons), butter by 2.8% (from 26.4 to 27.2 thousand tons), cheese and cottage cheese by 2.2% (from 36.2 to 36.9 thousand tons), including hard cheese by 12.3% (from 7.1 to 7.9 thousand tons), dairy products by 5.2% (from 226.5 to 238.2 thousand tons), ice cream by 22% (from 35.2 thousand tons to 42.9 thousand tons), powdered milk by 5.3% (6.5 thousand tons to 6.8 thousand tons).
At the same time, there is a decrease in the production of processed milk by 0.9% (from 616.5 thousand tons to 611 thousand tons), canned meat and meat and vegetable products by 30% (from 9.8 to 6.9 thousand tons).
For 12 months of 2021, the export of butter amounted to 4.6 thousand tons (an increase of 3 times), sour-milk products 14.8 thousand tons (an increase of 18%), cheese and cottage cheese 3.7 thousand tons (an increase of 10 .6%), ice cream 3.3 thousand tons (an increase of 23.5%).
Under the program for subsidizing the costs of dairy processing enterprises, more than 100 enterprises received subsidies in the amount of 10 billion tenge.
As a result of the implementation of the program, the supply of the domestic market for butter due to domestic production increased from 65% in 2014 to 100% in 2021, for cheese and cottage cheese from 51% to 57%. 12 milk processing projects with a capacity of 100 thousand tons of milk processing per year were put into operation.
At the end of 2021, Beef Export Group LLP was commissioned in Kostanay to build a meat processing complex with a capacity of 20,000 tons of meat per year. In addition, 5 projects with a total capacity of 14.4 thousand tons of meat per year were put into operation.
In 2022, it is planned to commission 2 new meat processing plants:
1. Aizet Farms LLP with a capacity of 20 thousand tons of meat per year (Nur-Sultan);
2. LLP Syr Marzhany with a capacity of 5.0 thousand tons of meat per year (Kyzylorda region).
In addition, it is planned to modernize 5 milk processing projects with a total capacity of 27.5 thousand tons of milk processing per year.
Also, the implementation of the program of subsidizing the costs of processing enterprises for the purchase of raw materials for the production of butter, hard cheese and powdered milk will be continued.
At the same time, as part of the task of providing basic food products for domestic production of the National Agroindustrial Complex Project in 2022, it is planned to ensure the production of 60 thousand tons of sausages, 73.9 thousand tons of fish.
In 2021, 400 disadvantaged points were registered on the territory of the republic. Of these, 208 are unfavorable points for acute infectious animal diseases and 192 for brucellosis.
Of the 208 outbreaks, 196 outbreaks have been eliminated, and in the remaining 12 outbreaks, veterinary measures are ongoing.
In these outbreaks, 545 animals and 5,789 birds were destroyed by burning. An amount of 136,093,033 tenge was allocated to the owners from the republican budget to compensate for the cost of destroyed animals.
Of the 192 unfavorable points for brucellosis, 178 unfavorable points have been rehabilitated, and in the remaining 14 unfavorable points, recreational activities continue.
Animal owners were reimbursed from the local budget 30% of the average market value in the amount of 247,307,340.7 tenge.
The list of especially dangerous animal diseases that pose a high risk of spread on the territory of the republic includes 68 types of diseases, of which Kazakhstan has a favorable epizootic situation for 45 types, special veterinary and preventive measures for diagnosis and vaccination are carried out for 23 types.
Prevention, diagnostics of especially dangerous animal diseases included in the List approved by the authorized body is financed from the republican budget.
On the territory of the republic, for the preventive purpose of 2021, 153.9 million manipulations were carried out to vaccinate animals, including birds, against 20 diseases (rabies, foot and mouth disease, leptospirosis, listeriosis, pasteurellosis, anthrax, carnivorous echinococcosis, small ruminants, highly pathogenic avian influenza, emphysematous carbuncle of cattle, infectious rhinotracheitis, viral diarrhea of cattle, mrs distemper, distemper of camels, contagious pustular dermatitis (ecthyma) of sheep and goats, anaerobic enterotoxemia of sheep, bradzot, tuberculosis, glanders of horses, rhinopneumonia of horses, lumpy dermatitis, camelpox ) or 100% of the total plan. For these purposes, 7.2 billion tenge was allocated.
For 2022, it is planned to carry out 160.5 million manipulations for the vaccination of animals, including birds.
In 2021, 69.0 million diagnostic studies were carried out in the republic for 27 especially dangerous animal diseases (brucellosis, foot-and-mouth disease, leukemia, rabies, viral diarrhea, leptospirosis, listeriosis, pasteurellosis, tuberculosis, emcar, viral diarrhea, infectious rhinotracheitis, lumpy dermatitis, bradzot, infectious anemia of horses, bluetongue, Schmalenberg's disease, etc.) or 100% of the annual plan.
The plan of veterinary measures for the diagnosis of especially dangerous animal diseases for 2022 is 34,562,734 heads of diagnostic tests for 28 especially dangerous animal diseases in the amount of 12.8 billion tenge.
According to the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On Veterinary Medicine", the administrator of the state procurement of hanging ear tags for the identification of farm animals is the Republican State Anti-Epizootic Detachment. As of January 1, 2022, there are 19.4 million pieces of unused ear tags in the country.
The purchase of ear tags for 2022 has been announced. It is planned to purchase 15,502,491 units, for cattle - 3,654,675 units, for MRS - 11,312,401 units.
Financial instruments
In 2021, 104.4 billion tenge was provided for the implementation of the investment subsidy program (execution at the local level amounted to 104.3 billion tenge), which made it possible to subsidize 24,189 agricultural investment projects and create 20,183 jobs.
Investment subsidies cover 34 priority areas of the agro-industrial complex.
The annual practice of implementing the investment subsidy program shows that the bulk of budget funds, on average, 50%, falls on the renewal of the agricultural machinery fleet.
At the end of 2021, the bulk of budget funds, more than 67.7 billion tenge, or 65%, came from subsidizing the purchase of agricultural machinery. Subsidizing covers equipment purchased in 2019-2021.
About 13.3 billion tenge or 13% were directed to subsidize investment projects in the field of animal husbandry, 23 billion tenge or 22% were allocated to support projects in the field of crop production.
For 2022, 72.1 billion tenge was allocated for the implementation of the investment subsidy program.
52.4 billion tenge was provided for the implementation of the program for subsidizing interest rates for lending, as well as leasing for the purchase of farm animals, machinery and technological equipment in 2021.
According to the Qoldau.kz subsidy information system, more than 370 billion tenge were attracted to the agricultural sector through the implementation of the program in 2021.
For 2022, a total of 43.2 billion tenge was allocated for the implementation of a program to subsidize interest rates for lending, as well as leasing for the purchase of farm animals, machinery and technological equipment.
As part of the implementation of the program for 2021, the amount of the guarantee fee was provided in the amount of 381,972 thousand tenge. Guarantees were issued for 6 projects in the amount of 1,277,496 thousand tenge (guarantee amount) in the crop industry for the following projects:
1) En-dala LLP (Akmolinskaya), a loan of 404 million tenge;
2) Shanyrak R LLP (Akmolinskaya), a loan of 1,400 million tenge;
3) LLP Agro Ondiris (Pavlodar), a loan of 64 million tenge;
4) Aksai LLP (Kostanay), a loan of 411 million tenge;
5) Kolos Firma LLP (Kostanay), a loan of 100 million tenge;
6) LLP Kokshetau Astyk Invest LTD (Akmola), a loan of 180 million tenge.
The implementation of this program in 2021 made it possible to attract funding in the agricultural sector in the amount of about 2.5 billion tenge.
In 2022, the republican budget provides for 3 billion tenge for these purposes, which will allow, with an average guarantee of 50%, to ensure the issuance of STB loans in the amount of up to 20 billion tenge.
In 2021, funds in the amount of 1,024.5 million tenge were allocated for the development of insurance in the agro-industrial complex.
Since the beginning of 2021, 163 insurance contracts have been concluded, including:
1) 118 insurance contracts in crop production, covering 150.6 thousand hectares. Under these contracts, the insurance premium was subsidized in the amount of 185.1 million tenge, of which:
- 100 drought insurance contracts covering 121.3 thousand hectares. Under these agreements, the insurance premium was subsidized in the amount of 159.5 million tenge. Insurance payments were made in the amount of 818.8 million tenge (111.4 thousand hectares);
- 12 insurance contracts against excess moisture covering 23.5 thousand hectares. Under these agreements, the insurance premium was subsidized in the amount of 16.6 million tenge. Insurance payments were made in the amount of 5.9 million tenge (2.4 thousand hectares);
- 6 insurance contracts against soil moisture deficiency for winter crops covering 5.8 thousand hectares. Under these agreements, the insurance premium was subsidized in the amount of 8.9 million tenge.
1) 45 livestock insurance contracts covering about 2.6 million heads. Under these contracts, the insurance premium was subsidized in the amount of 57.5 million tenge, of which:
- 33 cattle insurance contracts covering 6,267 goals. Under these agreements, the insurance premium was subsidized in the amount of 28.6 million tenge;
- 2 MRS insurance contracts, 354 birds were insured. Under these contracts, the insurance premium was subsidized in the amount of 102.9 thousand tenge;
- 2 horse insurance contracts, 75 horses insured. Under these contracts, the insurance premium was subsidized in the amount of 272.5 thousand tenge;
- 8 bird insurance contracts, 2,624,512 birds were insured. Under these agreements, the insurance premium was subsidized in the amount of 28.6 million tenge;
At the end of 2021, the balance of budget funds on a special account of the National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan amounted to 3,095.9 million tenge.
Enbek State Program for Development of Productive Employment and Mass Entrepreneurship for 2017 - 2021
In 2021, 20 billion tenge was allocated from the republican budget with a plan to issue 4,528 microcredits. Also, additional funds in the amount of 15.3 billion tenge were allocated from the National Fund of the Republic of Kazakhstan with a plan to issue 3,472 microcredits. In total, for 2021, it is planned to issue 8,000 microcredits for a total amount of 35.3 billion tenge.
At the end of the year, these funds were used in full, in total 11,118 microcredits were issued, 9,051 jobs were created, including:
In 2022, the Ministry of Agriculture, as part of the first clarification of the Republic of Belarus, sent a budget application to the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan about the need in the amount of 40 billion tenge to provide 8 thousand microcredits.
Attracting investments in the agro-industrial complex of the Ministry of Agriculture
On January 12, 2021, an Investment Agreement was signed on the creation of a network of demonstration farms and the construction of a plant for the production of modern irrigation systems and crop yield management in Kazakhstan with VALLEY KUSTO GB BV, approved by the Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated January 12, 2021, No. 5.
Along with this, the Ministry of Agriculture, together with local executive bodies, developed and approved Roadmaps for the implementation of investment projects in the agro-industrial complex for 2021-2025.
In accordance with the Roadmaps, a pool of 934 investment projects was compiled for a total of 4.4 trillion tenge.
From this pool of projects, the main major areas have been identified:
According to the approved Roadmaps, out of 285 projects planned for 2021 in the amount of 267 billion tenge, as of December 31, 2021, 281 projects worth 255 billion tenge were put into operation.
In 2022, it is planned to study the possibility of concluding an Investment Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the following companies:
In addition, according to the approved Roadmaps, it is planned to commission 308 investment projects worth 573 billion tenge.
Agro-food markets and technical regulation of agricultural products
In order to stabilize prices for socially significant food products, the Ministry of Agriculture has taken prompt measures to introduce:
- quantitative restrictions on the export of sunflower seeds in the amount of 125 thousand tons and sunflower oil - 110 thousand tons for a period up to July 1, 2022;
- a ban on the export of potatoes and carrots for a period of 3 months;
- a ban on the export of live cattle and small cattle for a period of 6 months.
At the same time, at a meeting of the Interdepartmental Commission on Foreign Trade Policy and Participation in International Economic Organizations, a decision was made to introduce quotas for marketable and seed potatoes from February to April (inclusive) 2022 and lift the ban on the export of carrots. Currently, the Ministry of Agriculture is working on the adoption of a draft corresponding order to lift the ban on the export of potatoes and carrots, as well as to introduce quotas for the export of potatoes. The draft order is being approved by the state authorities.
Also, in accordance with the protocol of the Interdepartmental Commission, from March 1, 2022 to June 1, 2022, the amount of allocated monthly quotas for sunflower oil has been increased from 16 thousand tons to 38 thousand tons. At present, the Ministry of Agriculture has developed an appropriate regulatory legal act and sent it to the interested state bodies for approval.
In order to curb prices for socially significant food products and provide a regulatory impact on the agri-food market, as well as ensure food security, a mechanism for stabilizing prices for socially significant food products is being implemented through the formation of regional stabilization funds for food products and the provision of loans to agricultural producers.
In 2021, the stabilization funds sold 25.5 thousand tons of socially significant food products, and also purchased 21.7 thousand tons.
As of February 10 this year, 25.1 thousand tons of NWFP are stored in the stabilization funds, including flour - 6.6 thousand tons, sugar - 4 thousand tons, pasta - 1.8 thousand tons, rice - 0.8 thousand tons, etc. Also, forward contracts were signed for the supply of about 122.6 thousand tons, including potatoes - 45.2 thousand tons, onions - 12.6 thousand tons, carrots - 13.1 thousand tons, etc.
In addition, within the framework of providing loans to business entities with the establishment of counter requirements to curb prices for NWPT (“revolving scheme”), NWPT was contracted in the amount of 31.4 billion tenge. The volume of funds of the regions for the formation of stabilization funds is 9 billion tenge. In order to prevent an increase in prices for vegetable products during the off-season, the Ministry of Agriculture sent a calculation to the regions on the recommendations of the purchase of the main types of vegetables in the stabilization funds in the amount of 30% of the five-month need of the urban population (potatoes - 140.7 thousand tons, carrots - 32.4 thousand .tons, cabbage - 33.8 thousand tons, onions - 22.5 thousand tons). For buckwheat and sunflower oil, the calculation was also brought to the regions according to the purchase recommendations in the amount of 30% of the five-monthly need of the entire population of the republic (buckwheat - 17.6 thousand tons, sunflower oil - 28.5 thousand tons).
So the regions are constantly working on the formation of stabilization funds and the implementation of commodity interventions. This issue is under constant control of the Ministry of Agriculture.
Based on the results of 2021, the following activities were carried out:
- a transitional period was provided until January 1, 2025 for microbiological indicators of raw milk determined by Appendix No. 5 to the Technical Regulations of the Customs Union "On the Safety of Milk and Dairy Products" (TR TS 033/2013);
- the Program for the development of interstate standards for the technical regulations of the EAEU "On the safety of fish and fish products" (TR CU 040/2016) was adopted, new lists of standards for the technical regulations on the safety of meat and meat products, fish and fish products are being approved, changes have been made to the lists of standards to the technical regulation on the safety of milk and dairy products.
– 2 draft EAEU TRs: for feed and feed additives (developed by the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan) is under discussion, for poultry meat and processed products (developed by the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation) comes into force on January 1, 2023, transitional provisions are being discussed.
In addition, Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated March 31, 2021 No. 189 was adopted, providing for the loss of 7 technical regulations of the Republic of Kazakhstan in connection with the entry into force of the technical regulations of the EAEU.
Within the country, 1 national technical regulation on the safety of fertilizers was approved, in accordance with the amendments to the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On technical regulation" dated December 30, 2020.
Digitalization of the agro-industrial complex and public services
The following activities were implemented in the line of digitalization of agriculture in 2021:
1) agricultural universities countries, together with leading IT universities, have introduced training programs for the training of agro-specialists with digital skills (“Digital Agrosystems and Complexes (Livestock Direction)”, “Bioinformatics”, “Digital Technologies in the Agro-Industrial Complex”, “Agroinformatics”);
2) within the framework of the National Project for the Development of the Agro-Industrial Complex, work has begun on the introduction of state support for agricultural enterprises for the purchase of digital equipment and solutions;
3) the National project "Technological breakthrough through digitalization" provides for an event to subsidize the cost of communication equipment at agricultural facilities, including remote fields and pastures;
4) completed a pilot project for the labeling of dairy products.
In terms of public services:
1) work was carried out to eliminate the identified errors in 8 public services (in the field of veterinary medicine - 4, crop production - 3, agricultural machinery - 1);
2) the share of public services provided in electronic format increased by 34% compared to the previous year;
3) together with JSC NIT, work has begun on modifying 19 public services through the SDB EL, setting goals;
4) modification of public services in the field of veterinary medicine, plant growing and agricultural machinery is planned;
5) continued work on improving information systems, as well as automation and optimization of public services.
In the area of information technology:
1) work continued on integration with industry systems of the Russian Federation, including compliance with the requirements for connection through the National Gateway of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
2) interaction with the e-Freight system was implemented in order to optimize licensing procedures when moving agricultural products by transport;
3) work has begun on finalizing the integration with the e-Statistics system;
4) came to the end of the integration interaction with the databases "Legal entities", "Individuals".
This year, the Ministry of Agriculture will continue to work in all these areas, including within the framework of the tasks of the National Agro-industrial Complex Project and the Agro-Industrial Complex Development Concept, as well as the National Project “Technological breakthrough through digitalization”.
In addition, the following tasks are planned:
Land resources
In 2021, the functions of state control over the use and protection of land were returned from local executive bodies.
In particular, on June 30, 2021, the Law on the Development of Land Relations was adopted, which provides for the formation of a single vertical of state control over the rational use of land.
Thus, the functions of providing land remained with the akimats, while the functions of controlling the provision and use of lands of akimats and the use of land by owners / land users through the creation of territorial Departments were transferred to the Committee for Land Management of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Also, the terms have been reduced and the procedure for the forced withdrawal of unused agricultural land has been simplified.
In particular, according to the Law signed by the Head of State on January 3, 2022, it is provided:
1) reduction of the term for the forced withdrawal of unused agricultural land from 2 years to 1 year;
2) introduction of a new mechanism of state control through space monitoring without going to the site.
In order to eliminate corruption risks in the provision of land plots in 2018, amendments were made to the Land Code obliging akimats to put up for auction land plots for which applications for their provision are received within ninety (90) days from the date of refusal due to the need to provide such land at auction.
At the same time, due to the lack of administrative responsibility, akimats often do not comply with the requirements for putting up land plots for auction, or put them up with significant violations of the deadlines.
In this regard, a draft law has been developed to amend the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Republic of Kazakhstan in terms of imposing administrative fines on officials of akimats for not holding or untimely holding tenders for land plots.
The adoption of this norm will ensure compliance with the requirements of the Code by LEAs, increasing their responsibility, and will also reduce corruption risks in the process of providing land plots.
In order to intensify work on the involvement of unused agricultural lands in production activities with the strengthening (if necessary) of the relevant mechanisms for their withdrawal, as well as to improve the space monitoring mechanism, the Ministry of Agriculture has taken the following measures.
In 2021, on behalf of the Head of State, the second Land Reform Commission worked to discuss the norms of the draft Land Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan and develop proposals. Amendments were submitted for consideration by the Commission on the further application of the norms of the Land Code subject to the moratorium, including the alienation of the right to use land for agricultural land between land users without redemption from the state, which provides for the introduction of agricultural land into market circulation, as well as the restoration of the vertical through return of control functions to the central authorized body from local executive bodies.
Based on the results of the Commission’s work on all accepted proposals, a draft Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On Amendments and Additions to Certain Legislative Acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the Development of Land Relations” was developed, which was adopted on June 30, 2021.
Also, on May 13, 2021, the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On Amendments and Additions to Certain Legislative Acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan on Land Relations” was adopted, which provides for a ban on granting the right to private property, as well as the right to temporary land use for agricultural land plots to foreigners, persons without citizenship, foreign legal entities, legal entities of the Republic of Kazakhstan with foreign participation, international organizations, scientific centers with international participation, as well as candases.
As for the constant monitoring of the use of agricultural land and the return of unused land to the state fund for further privatization, the following measures have been taken in pursuance of this instruction of the Ministry of Agriculture. In order to effectively control the rational use of land, within the framework of the Law of October 28, 2019 on agro-industrial complex issues, a rule is provided that allows the identification of unused agricultural land using space monitoring through a web portal.
These changes made it possible from January 2020 to launch a pilot project for space monitoring of agricultural land in four regions - Akmola, East Kazakhstan, Kostanay and Mangystau regions.
According to the results of space monitoring in the pilot regions, 8.3 million hectares of unused agricultural land were identified, of which 2.6 million hectares of pasture land were returned.
Since January 1, 2021, space monitoring of the use of agricultural land has been introduced everywhere, and measures are also being taken on an ongoing basis to return unused land to state ownership.
According to preliminary results of space monitoring, 22.4 million hectares of agricultural land were identified throughout the country, including 1.1 million hectares of arable land and 21.3 million hectares of pastures, of which 3.2 million hectares were returned to state ownership, of which 3 million hectares of pastures and 223 thousand hectares of arable land.
In addition, on January 3, 2022, the Head of State signed the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On Amendments and Additions to Certain Legislative Acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the Development of Competition”, which provides for norms to reduce the time for the withdrawal of unused agricultural land (from 2 years to 1 year), and as well as automation of the non-contact control process using the cosmic monitoring method.
It should be noted that in order to create an economic compulsion to voluntarily abandon unused agricultural land by negligent land users, amendments to the Tax Code were adopted in December 2020, providing for a multiple increase in the tax rate from 10 to 20 times for unused agricultural land.
Execution of the instructions of the Head of State given in 2021
In accordance with the instructions of the Head of State, voiced in the Address to the people of Kazakhstan dated September 1, 2021 "The unity of the people and systemic reforms are a solid foundation for the country's prosperity" and at an expanded meeting of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated July 10, 2021 , the MOA has taken a number of specific measures.
On October 12, 2021, the implementation of the National Project for the Development of the Agro-Industrial Complex for 2021-2025 was approved and launched, the main tasks of which are:
- increasing labor productivity in agriculture by 2.5 times;
- to achieve self-sufficiency of the country in the main types of food products of domestic production;
- increase in the export of agricultural products by 2 times with bringing the share of processed products in it to 70%;
- a stable increase in the income of 1 million rural residents through the formation of 7 large ecosystems and the implementation of investment projects.
To solve these problems, a set of measures will be implemented that provides for increasing the availability of financing, developing land relations and digitalization of the industry, improving agricultural science and education, ensuring veterinary and phytosanitary safety, and at least 582 investment projects will be implemented to the amount of 4.1 trillion tenge.
2. On December 28, 2021, the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan approved the Concept for the Development of the Agro-Industrial Complex for 2021-2030, which contains an analysis of the current situation, industry problems, a review of international experience, determines trends and vision for the development of the industry for 10 years.
The Concept decomposes the goals and objectives of the National Development Plan of the country until 2025, the UN Sustainable Development Goals, and also takes into account global challenges and world trends in the development of the agro-industrial complex, the results of the implementation of previous state and sectoral programs.
On behalf of the Head of State, within the framework of the AIC Concept, it is envisaged to reform the measures of state support for the agro-industrial complex (subsidizing) and the veterinary sphere.
In general, as a result of the implementation of the Concept, it is planned for ten years:
3. On behalf of the Head of State, a draft law “On personal subsidiary plots” was developed, which determines the status of private household plots and tools for their state support.
The adoption of this draft law will allow to regulate the relations that arise in the conduct of personal subsidiary farms, ensure the rational use of agricultural land, and also expand the access of private household plots to state support measures.
In general, the potential of private household plots is planned to be used through the development of agricultural cooperation, which will make it possible to connect private household plots and small scattered farmers with the needs of food and light industry enterprises through vertical and horizontal chains of cooperation.
This Draft Law has passed all stages of discussion with interested parties.
To date, the Draft Law has been worked out with the Presidential Administration, and also approved at the Meeting of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan on December 22, 2021. The bill was submitted to the Majilis of the Parliament on December 31, 2021.
4. Measures have been developed to reform the veterinary sphere. This provides for the creation of conditions for the development of the veterinary services market by increasing the salaries of practical veterinary workers and a clear delineation of powers between the veterinary services of the central and local executive bodies.
A special place will be given to digitalization. Currently, within the framework of the scientific program of the Kazakh Research Veterinary Institute, a software product "Mal Derek" is being developed with a mobile application that will free practical veterinary workers from a large amount of paper work with the digitization of the main part of veterinary documentation, as well as automate the entire process animal records, including tracking the epizootic situation and the safety of livestock products from “farm to table”. In 2022, this software product will be pilot tested on the basis of one district. After finalization, taking into account the results of the pilot, it will be implemented throughout the country.
It is also planned to expand the scope of veterinary medicine for the development of private veterinary practice, transferring to the competitive environment the fight and prevention of 5 types of diseases that do not pose a danger to human health.
To implement these initiatives, an appropriate package of amendments and additions to the legislation in the field of veterinary medicine is being developed, which will be initiated in 2022.
5. Implemented a set of measures to support drought-affected farmers.
On July 3, 2021, the Republican Operational Headquarters was established under the Ministry of Agriculture to coordinate the actions of local executive bodies on fodder procurement. Similar headquarters were established in all regions. Under the leadership of these headquarters, the following issues were resolved:
1) Interregional cooperation was organized to provide pastures for grazing farm animals and organize haymaking for farmers in regions affected by drought.
2) Funds were allocated from the Government's reserve for the Mangystau and Kyzylorda regions, which were most affected by the drought, in the amount of 1.2 and 1.7 billion tenge, respectively.
3) Funds in the amount of 13.6 billion tenge were allocated from local budgets to reduce the cost of purchasing feed.
4) Prolongation of loans to farmers affected by the drought.
5) By the end of 2021, preferential tariffs for the transportation of feed by rail have been established (the preferential tariff is 77% lower than the market one).
6) An additional 43.1 thousand cheaper diesel fuel was allocated to the regions for the purpose of fodder procurement.
7) For the affected regions, hayfields in neighboring regions have been allocated, memorandums have been concluded between the regions on mutual assistance in matters of forage harvesting, and operators for the delivery of fodder to the field have been identified. Permits were issued for forage harvesting in the territories of natural reserves on a total area of more than 210 thousand hectares.
8) During the harvest, straw harvesting was organized in the grain-growing regions of the country.
9) In order to provide fodder for the livestock of personal subsidiary farms (PSPs), the unsecured PSPs were assigned to organized farms.
10) NC Food Contract Corporation JSC sold 1.2 thousand tons of barley to the subjects of the affected regions at a price 17% below the market price. In addition, an insurance fund for grain fodder from the current year's harvest in the amount of 170 thousand tons is being created.
11) In order to provide the domestic market with fodder, from August 23, 2021, a temporary ban was introduced on the export of roughage (hay, silage, seed oats, other oats, seed rye and other rye). Also, quotas are introduced for the export of grain fodder (soft wheat (grade 5), barley and meal/cake).
The measures taken made it possible to stabilize the initial situation of forage supply in the affected regions.
In order to systematically address the issue of fodder availability, a Roadmap for the development of the fodder production industry for 2022-2025 was developed and submitted for approval to the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
As part of the Roadmap, in order to address the issue of forage availability and leveling the negative impact of weather factors on agricultural production, it is envisaged to ensure real diversification in agriculture. To this end, extensive explanatory work will be carried out among agricultural enterprises, as well as mechanisms for monitoring the activities of land users to fulfill their obligations under lease agreements using modern digital technologies, space monitoring and remote sensing of the earth, and measures of state regulation of the diversification process will be developed.
As a result, the area of fodder crops cultivation will be brought up to the scientifically grounded norms.
In addition, in order to effectively use pastures, the possibilities of new methods of controlling them and appropriate measures of state support will be used to the maximum.
Also, new approaches will be developed and implemented to increase the productivity of pastures through radical and superficial improvement, involving new pasture lands in the circulation through the use of a more efficient model of their watering.
6. To strengthen the analytical activities of the Ministry of Agriculture on the basis of the "Analytical Center for Economic Policy" LLP, NJSC "National Agrarian Scientific and Educational Center", the Situation Center for the Agro-Industrial Complex was created, which will concentrate and integrate data arrays from information resources in the field of agriculture, and on its basis will be studied and processing analytical and expert reports, recommendations, etc., as well as statistical data on domestic and foreign agri-food markets, and related sectors of the economy.
7. In order to ensure the safety of fruit and vegetable products, a Comprehensive Plan for the Construction and Modernization of Vegetable Stores was adopted, which provides for plans for the construction of storage facilities for each region, an increase in the share of cost recovery in the construction of vegetable stores, and others.
8. As part of the instruction to scale up the pilot project to increase the income of the rural population in the Zhambyl region, within the framework of the National Project for the Development of the Agro-Industrial Complex for 2021-2025, an event is provided for microcrediting the rural population, including for scaling the project to increase the income of the rural population. For these purposes, the National Project provides for 30 billion tenge annually from 2023 and a plan for issuing 7.5 thousand microcredits.
Tasks for 2022, taking into account the instructions of the Head of State, announced at the expanded meeting of the Government on February 8, 2022.
1. On behalf of the Head of State, proposals have been prepared to adjust the system of state support for the industry, which will be aimed primarily at simplifying its mechanisms and optimizing directions, ensuring equal accessibility for all entities, regardless of the size and form of management. A rule is also being introduced, according to which the recipients of the subsidy will without fail accept counter obligations to achieve specific indicative indicators.
The proposals are currently being considered by the established working group to improve the efficiency of state support for the agro-industrial complex, which includes representatives of industry associations and unions, agribusiness, science, interested state and local executive bodies, as well as deputies of the Senate and Majilis of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan. So far, four meetings of the working group have taken place.
Based on the results of the working groups in March 2022, the final package of changes to improve the subsidy system is planned to be submitted to the Government for consideration.
One of the main innovations of the new subsidy system will be its digitization. Currently, the development of a unified state information system for subsidizing is being completed. Its main functionality will be the automatic formation of a register of recipients of subsidies, verification of their compliance with the category of SHTP according to OKED, registration of counter obligations of recipients of subsidies, and assessment of the degree of their fulfillment, the order of receipt of subsidies and the waiting list for unsatisfied applications.
Unlike the Qoldau system, the new system will be free for farmers and will be integrated with all major government databases. All actions of the system will be automated, which will minimize corruption risks in the distribution and issuance of subsidies.
2. For the purpose of timely and high-quality carrying out of spring field work of the current year, the Ministry of Agriculture takes all necessary measures.
An Operational Headquarters has been created in the Ministry of Agriculture to coordinate the work on conducting spring sowing in the regions.
To carry out activities to support the subjects of the agro-industrial complex, 70 billion tenge was allocated for concessional lending to agricultural enterprises through the Kendala program, and 80 billion tenge was allocated through the forward purchase program of the Food Corporation, which is 2 times higher than last year. Applications for these programs have already begun.
Also, issues are being resolved to provide SHTP with cheaper diesel fuel. Fuel and lubricants in the amount of 400 thousand tons were allocated for spring field work at a price 15% lower than the market price.
70 billion tenge are provided to subsidize the purchase of seeds, fertilizers and pesticides in 2022.
In general, according to the regions, in 2022 it is planned to plant crops on an area of 22.9 million hectares, which is 13.5 thousand hectares more than in 2021.
3. The issue of providing the livestock with pastures is planned to be solved through the cooperation of private household plots and the provision of land to such cooperatives from the lands of the reserve and the reserve land fund. All these points are reflected in the draft Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On personal subsidiary plots".
The draft law also provides for the creation of cultivated pastures - this is a global practice of developed countries and is a tool for the effective use of pasture lands, which is achieved by watering them, improving and enriching the species composition of plants by sowing seeds of valuable fodder plants, superficial and radical improvement of pastures, as well as compliance with the rules pasture rotation. Therefore, within the framework of the draft law, the competence of the LEA includes the provision for the creation of infrastructure for pastures at the expense of the local budget.
4. In order to determine the maximum size of agricultural land at the level of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan, a special working group will be created with the participation of state bodies, experts, public figures, and scientific institutions.
The maximum size of agricultural land in the context of districts (cities), regions is proposed to be approved after the development of Plans for the land and economic structure of administrative-territorial units for agricultural land and land of other categories, taking into account land zoning (similar to the Master plans for settlements) and the adoption of joint decisions of representative and executive bodies.
In general, the limit (maximum) size of agricultural land plots will be approved before May 1, 2022.
Concepts for the development of the agro-industrial complex of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2021-2030 In accordance with the instruction of the Head of State, the Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated December 30, 2021 No. 960 approved the Concept for the development of the agro-industrial complex of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2021-2030 (hereinafter referred to as the Concept).
The concept is a document that defines the vision for the development of the industry for 10 years, aimed at achieving the goals and objectives defined in the parent documents of the State Planning System and the UN Sustainable Development Goals.
The Concept decomposes the goals and objectives of the National Development Plan of the country until 2025, and also takes into account global challenges and world trends in the development of the agro-industrial complex, the results of the implementation of previous state and industry programs.
The agro-industrial complex concept contains an analysis of the current situation, industry problems, an overview of international experience, trends and vision of the industry development, defines the basic principles and approaches for the development of the sphere, expected results, as well as an action plan for the implementation of the concept.
The concept of development of the agro-industrial complex is aimed at:
The principles of the Concept are:
In general, as a result of the implementation of the Concept, it is planned in ten years to:
Subsidy system will be digitized - Saparov
Vice Minister of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan Aidarbek Saparov, speaking with a report, noted that 2021 was not an easy year. A number of regions have experienced the adverse effects of drought. As a result, the volume of gross agricultural output last year decreased by 2.4% and amounted to 7.4 trillion tenge. Food production for the specified period increased by 1.9% and amounted to 2.2 trillion tenge.
“At the same time, a steady trend of investment in the fixed capital of agriculture remains. In particular, the volume of investments in fixed capital of agriculture increased by 33.3% and amounted to 773.2 billion tenge. The growth in food production increased by 3.1% to 114.4 billion tenge,” Saparov said.
Vice Minister of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan dwelled in detail on the main activities of the department.
So, in crop production, despite adverse weather conditions, in 2021, with a yield of 10.4 centners per hectare in weight, 16.4 million tons of grain and leguminous crops were threshed after processing. Due to the diversification of sown areas, the production of highly profitable crops increased: vegetable crops increased by 3.9%, melons - by 14.6%, potatoes - by 0.6%.
According to the akimats of the regions, in 2022 it is planned to sow crops on an area of 22.9 million hectares, which is 13.5 thousand hectares more than in 2021. At the same time, the area of grain crops is 15.8 million hectares, including wheat - 12.5 million tenge. It is planned to increase the area of fodder crops by 446.9 thousand hectares, sugar beet by 4.6 thousand hectares, potatoes - by 5 thousand hectares. The area of vegetable crops is planned to be maintained at the level of 2021.
At the end of 2021, according to the akimats of the regions, 626.5 thousand tons of mineral fertilizers were applied, or 24% of the scientific need. For comparison, in 2020 this figure was 21%. Last year, 28.6 billion tenge was allocated to subsidize the cost of purchased fertilizers, which made it possible to reduce the price of 493.8 thousand tons of mineral fertilizers.
“Annually, the Kyzylorda region is actively increasing the volume of fertilizer use, which in recent years has almost completely covered the scientific need for fertilizers. You can also note the North Kazakhstan region. At the end of 2021, 160,000 tons of mineral fertilizers were introduced in the region, which is 26% of the total republican value,” said Saparov.
This year, according to local executive bodies, the application of mineral fertilizers is planned at the level of 695 thousand tons, which is 68.5 thousand tons more than the final figure for 2021. For 2022, 26.8 billion tenge are provided for subsidizing fertilizers in the local budgets of the regions.
In 2021, at the expense of the program for subsidizing the cost of pesticides, chemical treatment was carried out on an area of 27.9 million hectares, 16.6 million liters of pesticides were subsidized. For these purposes, 32.3 billion tenge was allocated from the budget. For 2022, 31.7 billion tenge is provided to subsidize the cost of pesticides. In the event of an additional need for pesticides, we recommend that the akimats of the regions provide funding in full.
In 2021, 11.5 billion tenge was allocated to subsidize the development of seed production in the local budgets of the regions, and an additional 4.3 billion tenge was allocated from the republican budget. In order to ensure the availability of seeds for agricultural producers engaged in the production of tomatoes and cucumbers in protected ground, subsidies for tomato and cucumber seeds have been included since 2021.
The measures taken in the field of seed production have improved the quality of the seed material used. Thus, the volume of use of low-quality seeds in 2021 decreased compared to 2020 from 181 thousand tons to 76 thousand tons, or 2.4 times, the share of use of elite seeds increased from 6.8% to 7.7%.
For 2022, 11.8 billion tenge are provided in the local budgets of the regions to subsidize the development of seed production. According to the operational information of the akimats of the regions, as of February 7 this year. 2.3 million tons of seeds were covered, which is 100.8% of the plan.
In 2021, according to the regional akimats, the area of irrigated land used was 1,527 thousand hectares, which is 16.8 thousand hectares more than in 2020. At the same time, the area of irrigated land on which water-saving technologies have been introduced in the republic increased by 37 thousand hectares last year and amounted to 258 thousand hectares. In 2022, this indicator is planned to be increased to 265 thousand hectares.
Saparov noted that there are discrepancies between the data of akimats of the regions and the Bureau of National Statistics on sown areas of irrigated lands and harvested areas. The Ministry repeatedly sent letters on this issue to the regional akimats. For Almaty, Karaganda, Kostanay and Mangistau regions, there are positive trends in data alignment. However, there are significant discrepancies in other areas according to the annual bulletin.
In this regard, the akimats of the regions need to work out with the regional departments of the Bureau of National Statistics the reasons for the discrepancy between the data of 29th and carry out explanatory work at meetings of the regional, district and village levels on the delivery of reliable data by respondents cultivating irrigated lands.
In order to carry out the spring field work of the current year in a timely and high-quality manner, the Ministry of Agriculture is taking all necessary measures. An Operational Headquarters has been set up in the Ministry to coordinate work on conducting spring sowing in the regions.
“To carry out activities to support the subjects of the agro-industrial complex, 70 billion tenge was allocated for preferential lending to agricultural producers through the Ken Dala program, and 80 billion tenge was allocated through the forward purchase program of the Food Corporation, which is 2 times higher than last year. Applications for these programs have already begun,” Aidarbek Saparov informed.
Last year's drought, as well as a sharp rise in prices for spare parts, fuels and lubricants, mineral fertilizers and pesticides create serious difficulties for the timely preparation and quality of the upcoming spring sowing. In this regard, in order to support farmers, the issue of increasing the budget loan for spring field work by an additional 70 billion tenge is being considered, subject to clarification of the republican budget.
Issues are being resolved to provide agricultural producers with cheaper diesel fuel. Fuel and lubricants in the amount of 400 thousand tons were allocated for spring field work at a price 15% lower than the market price. An agreement was reached with domestic producers of mineral fertilizers to fully meet the needs of farmers. Preparations for spring field work are proceeding as planned. Due to the measures taken in animal husbandry, the number of livestock and poultry is steadily increasing.
Thus, according to the results of 2021, the number of cattle amounted to 8.2 million heads, which is 4.3% more than in 2020, the number of sheep and goats increased by 4%, horses - by 10.5%, camels - by 6, nine%. Accordingly, the production of livestock products increases: meat - by 5% and milk - by 3.2%.
As you know, last year there was a difficult situation in the livestock sector of the Mangystau and Kyzylorda regions. And the reason for this was the drought that struck these regions. To rectify the situation, the Government has taken concrete measures. A republican operational headquarters has been created to coordinate the activities of local and central executive bodies in matters of fodder procurement. Financial assistance is provided to the affected regions.
Last year, funds were allocated from the Government's reserve in the amount of 1.9 billion tenge to partially reimburse the cost of feed. In fact, 1.2 billion tenge was disbursed. The non-disbursement of almost 700 million tenge was due to the fact that livestock owners did not register them in the ILI database in a timely manner. At the same time, the functionality of the "Green Corridor" in the identification of farm animals was announced twice.
“Given the current situation, in January of this year, the Ministry of Agriculture worked out the issue of additional allocation of funds from the Government’s reserve in the amount of 663.9 million tenge, which were not used last year. These funds have already arrived in the region, payments have begun,” added the Vice Minister of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
In order to obtain state support measures in the Mangistau region, owners who did not have time to register their livestock in a timely manner, it was decided to open the Green Corridor-3 in ILI from February 1 to May 31 this year, which will allow registering 17,841 heads according to operational data farm animals.
Also last year, following the results of negotiations with KTZ JSC, preferential tariffs for the transportation of feed by rail were established until the end of 2021. In January of this year, the ministry re-conducted negotiations with KTZ. As a result, a decision was made to provide preferential tariffs for the transportation of feed up to 75% below the market rates for the Mangystau region until April 1, 2022.
In general, according to the regional akimats, for 2022, 24.2 million tons of hay or 102%, 1.6 million tons of haylage or 103%, 2 million tons of silage or 100%, 4.8 million tons of straw or 100%, 5 .2 million tons of end feed or 95%. Harvested fodder will provide fodder for the winter period for livestock in agricultural formations and private farms of rural residents.
In addition, the ministry, together with regional akimats, has developed systemic measures for the supply of livestock, which are reflected in the Roadmap for the development of the feed industry for 2022-2025.
In order to attract investment in the industry, on January 12, 2021, the Ministry of Agriculture signed an Investment Agreement on the creation of a network of demonstration farms and the construction of a plant for the production of modern irrigation systems and crop yield management in Kazakhstan with VALLEY KUSTO GB BV. Along with this, together with local executive bodies, Roadmaps were developed and approved for the implementation of investment projects in the agro-industrial complex for 2021-2025.
In accordance with the Roadmaps, a pool of 934 investment projects was compiled for a total of 4.4 trillion tenge. From this pool of projects, the main major areas have been identified. At the end of 2021, 281 projects worth 255 billion tenge were put into operation.
As part of the task of import substitution of agricultural products, 35 dairy farms with a total capacity of 75 thousand tons of milk, 866 hectares of apple orchards, 7 meat processing plants with a capacity of 36 thousand tons of meat products, 11 poultry farms with a capacity of 58 thousand tons, 9 projects for the production of fish with a capacity of 10 thousand tons of fish, modernization of 1 sugar plant for processing 2.2 thousand tons / day was carried out.
Further, Aidarbek Saparov reported on the tasks of the Ministry of Agriculture for 2022.
Last year, the Concept for the Development of the Agro-Industrial Complex for 2021-2030 and the National Project for the Development of the Agro-Industrial Complex for 2021-2025 were adopted, the main tasks of which are:
“To solve these problems, a set of measures will be implemented that provides for increasing the availability of financing, developing land relations and digitalizing the industry, improving agricultural science and education, ensuring veterinary and phytosanitary safety, and at least 582 investment projects for import substitution and the development of exports of agricultural products will be implemented. in the amount of 4.1 trillion tenge,” Saparov noted.
The sphere of veterinary medicine will be reformed. This provides for the creation of conditions for the development of the veterinary services market by increasing the salaries of practical veterinary workers and a clear delineation of powers between the veterinary services of the central and local executive bodies.
A special place will be given to digitalization. Currently, within the framework of the scientific program of the Kazakh Research Veterinary Institute, a software product "Mal Derek" is being developed with a mobile application that will free practical veterinary workers from a large amount of paper work with the digitization of the main part of veterinary documentation, as well as automate the entire process animal records, incl. monitor the epizootic situation and the safety of livestock products from “farm to table”. In 2022, this software product will be pilot tested on the basis of one district. After finalization, taking into account the results of the pilot, it will be implemented throughout the country.
It is also planned to expand the scope of veterinary medicine for the development of private veterinary practice, transferring to the competitive environment the fight and prevention of 5 types of diseases that do not pose a danger to human health.
To implement these initiatives, an appropriate package of amendments and additions to the legislation in the field of veterinary medicine is being developed, which will be initiated in 2022.
In pursuance of the instructions of the Head of State, announced at the enlarged meeting of the Government on February 8 this year, the ministry will take a number of the following systemic measures. On behalf of the Head of State, proposals have been prepared to adjust the system of state support for the industry, which will be aimed primarily at simplifying its mechanisms and optimizing directions, ensuring equal accessibility for all entities, regardless of the size and form of management. A rule is also being introduced, according to which the recipients of the subsidy will without fail accept counter obligations to achieve specific indicative indicators.
The proposals are currently being considered by the established working group to improve the efficiency of state support for the agro-industrial complex, which includes representatives of industry associations and unions, agribusiness, science, interested state and local executive bodies, as well as deputies of the Senate and Majilis of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan. So far, four meetings of the working group have taken place. Based on the results of the working groups, a large number of proposals and comments on the new system of subsidizing the agro-industrial complex were received from regions, industry unions and associations, members of the working group, which are systematized and, if justified, will be taken into account when finalizing the subsidy system.
Following the results of the working groups in March 2022, the final package changes to improve the subsidy system are planned to be submitted to the Government for consideration.
One of the main innovations of the new subsidy system will be its digitization. Currently, the development of a unified state information system for subsidizing is being completed. Its main functionality will be the automatic formation of a register of recipients of subsidies, verification of their compliance with the category of agricultural producers according to NCEA, registration of counter obligations of recipients of subsidies, and assessment of the degree of their fulfillment, the order of receipt of subsidies and the waiting list for unsatisfied applications.
“Unlike the Koldau system, the new system will be free for farmers and integrated with all major government databases. All actions of the system will be automated, which will minimize corruption risks in the distribution and issuance of subsidies. Currently, we are launching its testing in a pilot mode in the Akmola region,” said Aidarbek Saparov.
In order to determine the maximum size of agricultural land plots, a special working group is created at the level of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan with the participation of state bodies, experts, public figures and scientific institutions. It is recommended that the maximum size of agricultural land in the context of districts and regions be approved after the development of plans for the land-economic structure of administrative-territorial units for agricultural land and land of other categories, taking into account land zoning and the adoption of joint decisions by representative and executive bodies.
On behalf of the Head of State, work is underway to develop a plan for ensuring food security for the medium term, which will provide for import substitution for basic food products, monitoring the actual and forecast balance, as well as taking tariff and non-tariff regulation measures. It is scheduled to be adopted in March this year.
30.7 thousand tons of cattle meat and 3.2 thousand tons of lamb were sent for export from the Turkistan region - Tazhibaev
As a result of the systemic state support for the agro-industrial complex and the work done, at the end of 2021, the target indicators provided for by the State Program were fully met in the Turkistan region. This was reported by the Deputy Akim of the Turkestan region Ulan Tazhibaev.
In particular, compared to the level of 2015, investments in fixed assets increased by 9 times. Investments in fixed assets in food production increased 3 times. Over the years, 322 billion tenge of private investment has been attracted to the industry.
“The volume of gross agricultural output increased 2.2 times and reached 906.5 billion tenge. According to this indicator, the region ranks second in the country. Labor productivity has increased 2.7 times,” said Tazhibaev.
In 2021, crops were planted on an area of 845.5 thousand hectares. In the direction of increasing labor productivity, taking into account the climatic features of the region, the project "Getting 2-3 crops per year from one area" is being implemented. On an area of 8 thousand hectares, 2,878 projects were implemented, 279.1 thousand tons of vegetable products were harvested. New greenhouses were built on 122.1 hectares, the total area of greenhouses was 467.4 hectares, which is 71% of the republic's indicator.
In terms of the development of animal husbandry, the region has taken a leading position in the republic. 53% of the breeding stock of cattle, 59% of small cattle take part in the breed transformation. According to these indicators, the region ranks 1st in the country. As a result of the work carried out, the livestock and productivity increased by 3-4%.
Of the total exports from the country, 75% of cattle meat and 40% of lamb are accounted for by the Turkestan region. 30.7 thousand tons of cattle meat and 3.2 thousand tons of lamb were sent for export.
As part of the Comprehensive Plan for the Socio-Economic Development of the Turkestan Region until 2024, construction of large water facilities is underway. As a result, an additional 248.8 million cubic meters of irrigation water will be delivered.
First. Under the project "Major overhaul of the Turkestan main canal", concreting of 52 km of the canal bed was carried out. In total, the project will save 60 million cubic meters. m of irrigation water.
Second. In December 2021, the project was put into operation: “Construction of the Kensai-Koskorgan-2 reservoir”. The project will additionally supply 31 million cubic meters. m of irrigation water.
In addition, projects are being developed for the construction of a machine channel from the Syr Darya River and the construction of the Sarkirama reservoir. These projects are guaranteed to provide the region with irrigation water.
As part of the Comprehensive Plan, a project is being implemented to create a food belt around the city of Turkistan on an area of 11 thousand hectares. To date, 65 units have been installed and are operating. sprinkling installations on an area of 2.2 thousand hectares. Technology efficiency: depending on the type of crop, in addition to saving irrigation water by 2 times, it increases the yield up to 3 times.
As part of the formation of the food belt, 5 breakthrough investment projects are being implemented for a total of 26.9 billion tenge.
In 2022, in the Turkistan region, sown areas of agricultural crops are planned to be placed on an area of 848.4 thousand hectares. According to the diversification of crops, crops of grain and leguminous crops increased compared to last year by 1.1 thousand hectares and amounted to 295.6 thousand hectares, fodder crops by 12.4 thousand hectares and amounted to 227.8 thousand hectares, cotton - will increase by 4.7 thousand hectares and amount to 114.7 thousand hectares, potato crops will decrease by 2.3 thousand hectares and will be placed on 126.7 thousand hectares. It is expected to reduce oilseed crops by 1.8 thousand hectares, they will be placed on an area of 83.2 thousand hectares. The condition of winter wheat sown for the 2022 harvest is good on an area of 177.3 thousand hectares.
“Commodity producers of the region are fully provided with seeds of spring crops. There are available for sowing 7.8 thousand tons of seeds of cereal crops, 1.5 thousand tons of safflower seeds, 2.6 thousand tons of cotton seeds, 0.5 thousand tons of alfalfa seeds. And the seeds of corn and potatoes will be sold by commercial organizations. 48.0 thousand tons of fuels and lubricants were allocated for spring field work in the region,” the deputy akim of the Turkistan region informed.
As part of the instructions of the Head of State to increase the availability of subsidies, state support funds for medium and small farms, relevant proposals were made to the Ministry of Agriculture. First, in crop production, it was proposed to reduce 4 budget programs and instead introduce a budget program with the conditional name “Per hectare subsidies”. This will partially cover the cost of cultivating 1 hectare of priority crops, which in turn will make it possible to form sowing volumes and a sufficient supply of socially significant products.
Secondly, in order to increase the availability of financial support for farmers, we propose to optimize the budget program “Subsidizing remuneration rates”.
“State subsidization of interest rates on loans at 14-16% per annum through subsidiaries of the Baiterek National Managing Holding becomes a big administrative burden, and in the face of a budget deficit, many farmers remain outside state support. Therefore, we propose to open a credit line in the amount of 4% per annum through the subsidiaries of NUKH Baiterek and provide direct support to agricultural enterprises,” he said.
Thirdly, every year the state allocates funds through JSC "Agrarian Credit Corporation" for lending for spring field and autumn harvesting. In practice, due to the long period of paperwork, farmers at best get access to loans only in April-May. This negatively affects the final result.
“In this regard, given the climatic features of the Turkestan region, we consider it necessary to take specific measures to distribute credit funds strictly in January-February,” suggested Ulan Tazhibaev.
The change of priority from humanitarian education to technical education will help with the solution of the personnel issue in agriculture - Nurbaev
Deputy akim of the East Kazakhstan region Yerzhan Nurbaev reported on the development of agriculture in the region.
At the end of 2021, 50% of the gross domestic product of the agro-industrial complex of the region was animal husbandry in the amount of 420.5 billion tenge.
The growth rate compared to 2020 was 114.9%. However, in the development of the industry there are several issues that need to be addressed at a high level.
Nurbaev, in his speech on the development of animal husbandry in the region, dwelled in detail on the development of the dairy and meat areas. So, according to data as of January 1 of this year. the total number of cattle in the region amounted to 1,110 thousand heads, of which 614 thousand heads are breeding stock.
“In 2021, the region produced 1,036 thousand tons of cow's milk, including 308 thousand tons of commercial milk. Of the total volume of commercial milk produced, 169 thousand tons were supplied to processing enterprises, including dairy farms - 107 thousand tons of milk, personal subsidiary plots - 62 thousand tons. 113,000 heads of breeding stock are involved in the production of marketable milk, while only 20,000 heads are kept in stalls in dairy farms,” Nurbaev said.
Common problematic issues in the development of animal husbandry are the high cost of project implementation, insufficient state support, lack of qualified personnel, and long-term return on investment. Despite the potential for the development of dairy farming in the region, agricultural producers are more meat-oriented.
To solve the problem of developing dairy farming, it is necessary:
In order to support business until reaching the design capacity and payback of the project, make payments to those agricultural producers who have made investments; Zamakima expressed confidence that the plans for reformatting domestic education, announced by the Head of State during a meeting with businessmen, would yield positive results in the near future. A change in priority from humanitarian education in favor of technical education will help with the solution of the personnel issue in agriculture.
As already noted in the East Kazakhstan region, the main share of the breeding stock is meat. Providing loans for the purchase of livestock, subsidizing selection and breeding work has made it possible to increase the livestock and its quality.
“One of the main tasks in the livestock industry at present is to work not only to increase the number of livestock, but also to improve the quality, increase the average live weight. In 2021, the total offspring amounted to more than 450 thousand, respectively, about 250 thousand heads (50% of bulls) need to be grown on feedlots. At the same time, in the region, the capacity of industrial feedlots with a one-time maintenance is no more than 42 thousand heads,” said the deputy akim of the East Kazakhstan region.
Thus, the main livestock in the autumn period is exported at a low cost by dealers in other regions. In this connection, it is necessary to increase state support in investment subsidies up to 50%, as well as provide credit resources with a low interest rate for the development of these feedlots. In addition, the construction of modern meat processing plants with deep processing is required. Unfortunately, at the moment there are no such enterprises in the East Kazakhstan region.
Results of agriculture in the Akmola region
At the end of last year, the gross agricultural output of the Akmola region amounted to 745.5 billion tenge, or 10% of the total volume of the republic (share in crop production - 11.4% or 482.4 billion tenge, in animal husbandry - 8 .4% or 262.5 billion tenge).
Despite the difficult climatic conditions, the farmers of the region gathered a good harvest - 4.1 million tons of grain from an area of 4.5 million hectares with a yield of 9.1 centners per hectare (in the initial weight, in weight after completion - 3.9 million tons with a yield of 8 .7 c/ha), while the quality of the crop in terms of class and gluten is higher than in 2020. Wheat of the third class accounts for about 90% of the grain.
Agricultural formations of the region harvested 141 thousand tons of oilseeds (from an area of 258.6 thousand hectares with an average yield of 5.5 q/ha), 268 thousand tons of potatoes (from an area of 15.1 thousand ha with an average yield of 178.1 q/ha) and 48 thousand tons of vegetables (from an area of 2.3 thousand hectares with an average yield of 195.9 q/ha).
The agro-industrial complex of the region fully met the domestic needs for feed: 1.3 million tons of hay, 245 thousand tons of haylage, 190 thousand tons of silage, 650 thousand tons of fodder were harvested.
In the livestock sector, an increase in production by 11.6% was achieved, which is the best indicator in the republic. The growth is associated with an increase in meat production by 25% to 188 thousand tons, milk - by 0.4% to 404 thousand tons, 790.0 million eggs were produced.
Work continues on the development of the processing industry, as a result, the volume of processing of agricultural products reached 142 billion tenge, with an increase of 15.5% compared to 2020.
At the same time, the workload of meat processing enterprises increased by 4% and reached 81%, milk processing enterprises - by 2% to 76%.
Over the past year, a lot of work has been done to attract investment in agriculture. The volume of investments amounted to 101.4 billion tenge, which is 1.5 times higher than in 2020 (in 2020 - 62.1 billion tenge).
Growth was achieved through the introduction of 45 investment projects for 31 billion tenge, as well as through the purchase of agricultural machinery in the amount of 2.2 thousand units for the amount of 63 billion tenge.
For reference: grain harvesters - 345 units in the amount of 23 billion tenge, tractors - 465 units in the amount of 18.2 billion tenge, seeding complexes - 101 units in the amount of 6.5 billion tenge (seeders - 245 units in the amount of 0.4 billion tenge, other equipment - 1031 units in the amount of 14.9 billion tenge).
The results achieved in the agro-industrial complex became possible largely due to state support, the volume of which in 2021 exceeded 76 billion tenge, incl. only in the form of subsidies more than 46 billion tenge. For reference: non-refundable state support (subsidies) in 2021 amounted to 46.7 billion tenge (in 2020 - 41.7 billion tenge). More than 400 agricultural enterprises for the amount of 30 billion tenge were financed for lending to spring field and harvesting works (EPV - 16 agricultural enterprises for 0.9 billion tenge, Ken Dala - 268 agricultural enterprises for 18 billion tenge, FFSA - 44 agricultural enterprises for 0.2 billion tenge ; forward purchase of grain - 94 SHTP for 10.9 billion tenge). The priority task today is to prepare for the organized conduct of spring field work in 2022. The total sown area of agricultural crops will be increased by 53.3 thousand hectares and will amount to about 5.1 million hectares (2021 - 5039 thousand hectares). For reference: It is planned to increase the area under grain and leguminous crops up to 4609 thousand hectares, which is 26.9 thousand hectares more than last year (2021 - 4582.1 thousand hectares), under oilseeds - up to 278.5 thousand hectares with an increase by 14.2 thousand hectares by 2021. In order to fully meet the needs of livestock breeding, we plan to place fodder on an area of 195 thousand hectares, which is 20 thousand hectares more than in 2021.
Agrarians of the region carried out 100% filling of seeds of agricultural crops for the harvest of 2022 in the amount of 530 thousand tons. About 15,000 tractors, more than 16,000 seeders and 1,400 seeding complexes will participate in this year's sowing campaign. In general, the ongoing activities make it possible to ensure food security, thanks to state support, the implementation of projects will continue, which will be aimed at providing the domestic market with domestic products and increasing their exports. The Agrarian Credit Corporation reported on the work done.
In 2021, as part of the implementation of the National Plan for the Implementation of the Message of the Head of State dated September 1, 2020 “Kazakhstan in a new reality: time for action”, work was completed to join the FFAA to the ACC. At present, the united financial institution operates as a single operator.
According to the results of 2021, the united company (ACC + FFSA) provided loans to about 20 thousand (more precisely, 19.6 thousand) agribusiness entities for a total of 322.5 billion tenge. Financing was carried out through direct financing (168.3 billion tenge) and funding of credit partnerships, STBs, MFIs and leasing companies (154.2 billion tenge).
These credit funds were allocated for:
As part of the lending programs for the VP&SD, the Company financed more than 3 thousand agricultural enterprises for the cultivation of 4.3 million hectares of agricultural land for a total of 83.8 billion tenge, including: under the 262-budget program (Ken-dala), 2.6 thousand SHTP in the amount of 70 billion tenge for the cultivation of 3.7 million hectares of agricultural land.
Also, within the framework of the Enbek State Program (the Company's program - Isker), loans were issued in the amount of 48.7 billion tenge (9,637 loans), of which:
Insurance. The Company is an Operator in the field of insurance in the agro-industrial complex. In 2021, the Company subsidized the insurance premium in the amount of 242.6 million tenge under the concluded 163 insurance contracts under the concluded insurance contracts in crop and livestock production.
Insurance covered 6.3 thousand heads of cattle; 354 heads of MRS; 2.6 million birds; 75 heads of horses and 150.6 thousand hectares of agricultural land. Insurance payments in 2021 under insurance contracts in crop and livestock production amounted to 825.3 million tenge.
The program "With a diploma - to the village!". Also, within the framework of the implementation of social support measures for specialists in health care, education, social security, culture and sports, who arrived to work and live in rural areas, since 2010, it has been acting as an Attorney (agent) under the program “With a diploma - to the village!”, the purpose of which is to provide budget loans for the purchase and construction of housing to specialists who have arrived from cities and other settlements (including the village) to work and live in the countryside, where these specialists are in demand.
Within the framework of this program for 2021, the Company issued 4,376 loans in the amount of 18,546.2 million tenge.
Guaranteeing loans to agribusiness entities. For 10 months of 2021, the Company approved 433 applications in the amount of 681.2 million tenge. Starting from November 1, 2021, the function was transferred to the Damu Fund. /FFFSA guaranteed loans to agribusiness entities in 2 areas: Enbek Ave. and loans to second-tier banks. According to Enbek, the guarantee is up to 85% for start-ups, 95% for low-income and large families, and 50% for existing ones. For second-tier banks - up to 50%, up to 85% in priority areas.
In 2022, the Company will continue to work to provide support to agribusiness entities. For these purposes, financing of agribusiness entities in the amount of 272.9 billion tenge is planned, incl. through direct lending (129 billion tenge), funding of CPs (82.2 billion tenge), second-tier banks (36.9 billion tenge), MFIs/LCs (24.9 billion tenge). Financing of agribusiness entities is planned at the expense of:
The Company will also continue to work on subsidizing a part of insurance premiums as applications are received from SHTP. It also plans to issue 5,000 loans under the program “With a Diploma to the Village!” in the amount of 20,000 million tenge.
It should be noted that the development of the Concept took into account global challenges and global trends in the development of the agro-industrial complex, the results of the implementation of previous state and industry programs. Experts from the international organization FAO were involved in its development, according to which Kazakhstan is among the five countries with the greatest potential in the agro-industrial complex. Also, the Concept was developed taking into account the proposals of business, public organizations and government bodies.
The main global challenges include:
the growing risks of a pandemic, epizootics, as a result of which global production chains are interrupted;
climate risks, increased competition for limited natural resources, and others.
In addition, the Concept takes into account global trends in the agro-industrial complex, such as:
a change in the culture of agriculture and technologies in animal husbandry due to the lack of water resources; development of "green economy»;
introduction of digitalization of the agro-industrial complex and the provision of electronic services to agribusiness;
traceability of food products, etc.
The concept is a document that defines the vision for the development of the industry for 10 years, it is aimed at achieving the goals and objectives defined in the parent documents of the State Planning System and the UN Sustainable Development Goals.
The document contains an analysis of the current situation, problems of the industry, an overview of international experience, trends and vision for the development of the industry, defines the basic principles and approaches for the development of the sphere, expected results, as well as an action plan for its implementation.
The Concept decomposes the goals and objectives of the National Development Plan of the country until 2025. In addition, 3 out of 7 target indicators are in line with the Global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
The Concept defines priorities for the next 10 years;
Ensuring food security and improving product quality;
Creation of 7 sustainable food ecosystems;
Optimization of support mechanisms, focus on competitive products;
Formation of the attractiveness of the industry, based on manufacturability, digitalization, environmental friendliness and human capital development, and others.
Thus, in crop production, first of all, measures will be taken to increase the sustainability of the development of the industry through the implementation of real diversification and avoidance of monoculture, the observance of scientifically based crop rotations, the introduction of modern resource-saving technologies into production, an increase in the level of technical equipment and the development of seed production.
Today, work has begun to restore order in the seed production system. First, work has begun on the transfer of scientific organizations to modern breeding methods. Secondly, a harmonious system of semkhozes is being created, the key subjects of which will be our scientific and experimental farms of NANOC. In parallel, a digital seed traceability system is being developed, which will allow establishing tight control over the promotion of seed material throughout the country. All this will make it possible to turn the tide in crop production and achieve real results in increasing its sustainability and, accordingly, its competitiveness. This is the only way to preserve and increase our achieved export potential in the face of tougher competition in the global food markets.
In animal husbandry, the main task is to solve the problem of a stable fodder base by bringing the share of forage crops in the crop rotation to scientifically based standards as part of measures to diversify crop areas, restore degraded pastures through surface and radical improvement, and put new pastures into operation due to their watering.
The path to solving the problems of the veterinary sphere is seen in the creation of conditions for the development of the market for veterinary services and, on this basis, an increase in the wages of practical veterinary workers, a clear delineation of powers between the veterinary services of the central and local executive bodies. A special place will be given to digitalization.
The key point for efficient land use will be the development of a modern system for monitoring land use processes using the possibility of space monitoring, remote sensing of the earth and ground-based methods for determining the agrochemical composition of the soil. At present, the issues of financing a special scientific program to adapt foreign methods for determining the species composition of plants in fields and pastures are being worked out in order to start developing it next year, and introduce it into production from 2024. At the same time, work has begun to improve the methods of work of the RSMCAC. To improve the accuracy of information on the agrochemical composition of the soil, the sampling methodology is being changed. Now a soil sample will be taken from every 20 hectares of arable land, instead of today's 75 hectares. To this end, RNCAC will be strengthened materially and financially.
In addition, structural measures will be taken by strengthening the land inspection service, creating its single vertical and combining the capabilities of disparate structures to control soil fertility under its auspices.
In the system of agricultural science, it is supposed to solve the problems associated with the introduction of scientific developments into production and their commercialization, the creation of a modern national system for disseminating knowledge based on the experience of developed countries. Attention will also be focused on improving the quality of personnel training by updating educational programs and strengthening the practical orientation of training.
In addition, from the beginning of this year, in order to strengthen the analytical work of the Ministry, the Situational Analytical Center for the Agroindustrial Complex will begin its work on the basis of NANEC, and industry grant funding for young scientists will also be introduced.
The subsidizing system will be reformed, first of all, by simplifying its mechanisms and optimizing directions, ensuring equal accessibility for all entities, regardless of the size and form of management.
A rule is also being introduced, according to which the recipients of the subsidy will without fail accept counter obligations to achieve specific indicative indicators.
The issue of legislative consolidation of the principles of stability and continuity of state support to the subjects of the agro-industrial complex is being worked out.
In general, as a result of the implementation of the Concept, it is planned for ten years:
full provision of domestically produced food products;
to increase the export of agricultural products by 3 times;
increase labor productivity in agriculture by 3 times;
to increase the inflow of investments in the agro-industrial complex by 4 times.
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