Strategic plan contains the most important elements of transition to a new society — Kanat Baigarin

Today, during the discussion of the draft Strategic Development Plan of Kazakhstan until 2025, Vice President of the Nazarbayev University OJSC, Kanat Baigarin noted that the elements of the Strategic Plan are of real importance in matters of human capital.

"Strictly speaking, we are now at a transitional stage: we need to move to the intellectual component of the development of human capital. In this regard, I would like to note that the proposal made in the Strategic Plan is STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics), the focus on natural sciences, technology, engineering and mathematics is an essential element of the transition to a new society,” the expert said.

So, in his opinion, it is necessary to write the algorithm independently.

"This I consider to be the principal method in the process. This applies to schools and higher education," K. Baigarin stressed.

It should be noted that at the moment Nazarbayev University has already started modeling what the society will experience in the next 10-15 years. The University shares its approaches with other universities and schools. For example, the transfer of experience in the implementation of training in English.

In addition, the expert noted that today the focus on natural sciences and engineering is very important.

"Those societies that go forward will be leaders," he concluded.

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