Alikhan Smailov made orders to make necessary decisions on Qarmet's priority issues within one week

Prime Minister of Kazakhstan Alikhan Smailov held a meeting of the working group on the activities of Qarmet with the participation of a new investor and heads of central government agencies.

It was noted that due to the operational measures taken at the company in December increased production volume. Stocks of ferroalloys and coal were increased. The shipment of finished products was resumed.

28.6 billion tenge of private investments were invested in the stabilization of the enterprise. Wages were paid in a timely manner, tax payments were made, including through the obligatory social security system.

During the meeting the participants discussed the issues of providing the plant with necessary raw materials, providing support measures for export of finished products, taxation, elimination of the revealed environmental violations and a number of others.

Among Qarmet's main objectives for 2024 are to ensure the safety of employees, increase production volumes, reduce the cost of output by entering into new investment contracts and reducing unproductive costs, etc.

In general, within the framework of the new business model, measures will be taken in the coming years to modernize and reorganize production, radically improve safety and environmental indicators (including the transition to gas), revise the range of products, etc.

Prime Minister emphasized that the necessary support should be provided from the side of state bodies in solving urgent issues of the plant. In this regard, Alikhan Smailov instructed to make the required decisions on the most priority tasks within a week.

#Alikhan Smailov #The Prime Minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan #Investments

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