Gani Beisembayev: monitoring groups check safety work in children's camps

Minister of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan Gani Beisembayev spoke about the measures taken to ensure the safety of children on the water bodies of the country during the Government session. 

According to him, the Ministry of Education carries out planned work to ensure the safety of children on the water. Within the framework of the state mandatory standards of education in kindergartens are lessons on water safety through games, practical exercises and showing animated videos. In schools, 38 lessons in four subjects are devoted to the topic of safety.

In the current school year, 2,327 class hours on the subject of water safety have been organised in schools. From the new school year, weekly safety lessons will be organised in all schools for pupils in grades 1-11 as part of class hours. In addition, 1,852 extracurricular activities in the format of interactive open lessons and 1,162 training sessions were held this academic year. To date, 10,476 safety corners have been installed in educational organisations and 2,800 "Young Rescuer" circles are functioning.

"It is known that children's safety on water is especially important in the summer period. Therefore, joint monitoring groups consisting of representatives of relevant state bodies and akimats have been formed in all regions," Beisembayev reported.

According to him, monitoring groups checked 31 country camps located along water bodies and 127 swimming pools to ensure safety. Sanitary control has been strengthened over the activities of these facilities.

Three national seminars and meetings on child safety were held for the organisers of summer holidays. Schoolchildren were given a GUIDEBOOK "Your fascinating summer" containing safety instructions, including on safe swimming skills.

"At the same time, despite the annual decrease in the number of children drowning, 95 per cent of accidents occurred in places where swimming is prohibited, and in one third of cases - parents left their children unattended," Beisembayev said.

In this regard, he said, the authorised state and local executive bodies need to update the list of prohibited and permitted places for bathing, organise the duty of lifeguards and strengthen the work on the installation of warning signs.

#Education #Government session

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