Protected areas increased to 30.9 million hectares in Kazakhstan

Minister of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Kazakhstan Yerlan Nysanbayev at the Government session reported on the work carried out in the Republic to preserve rare and endangered species of animals.

He reported that today in the list of rare and endangered species registered 227 species of animals, of which 131 species of vertebrates and 96 invertebrates.

"Based on the materials of the biological substantiation of the Institute of Zoology, an update of the list has been initiated. This work is carried out in accordance with the criteria of the International Union for Conservation of Nature. Proposals have been made to exclude 21 species of invertebrate animals and to include 6 species of invertebrates and 5 vertebrates. The most effective integrated measure to preserve rare and endangered species of animals is recognised as the creation of specially protected natural areas (SPNA)," Yerlan Nysanbayev said.

According to the agency, over the years of independence, the area of protected areas has increased from 869,000 hectares to 30.9 million hectares through the expansion of existing protected areas and the creation of new ones.

Thanks to the measures taken to preserve the country's biodiversity, there has been an increase in the populations of rare animal species such as the tugai deer, kulan, argali and gazelle.

A number of comprehensive measures have been taken in the republic to restore the number of snow leopards, special protected areas have been created in key habitats on an area of 3.6 million hectares, and now about 70 per cent of leopard habitats are protected by protected areas.

Modern methods of counting and monitoring are actively applied, using camera traps and satellite telemetry. The tagging of 11 leopard individuals with satellite collars has been carried out, and based on the data obtained it is planned to improve the network of specially protected natural areas.

"Thanks to the efforts taken to protect and monitor snow leopards, we have managed to increase the number of snow leopards from the critical level of the 1990s by more than 2 times and bring it up to about 180 individuals. The work on the conservation of the species continues, transboundary and international co-operation is actively developing," Yerlan Nysanbayev emphasised.

In addition, in order to preserve the population of the Great Bustard and release it into the natural habitat within the framework of the agreement with the United Arab Emirates, the Centre for reproduction of the Great Bustard was built in Turkestan region. From 2009 to 2024, more than 73 thousand red-breasted bustards bred in the Centre were released into the wild.

The Minister of Ecology and Natural Resources also said that within the framework of the programme for the restoration of the Turanian tiger, the Ile-Balkhash state natural reserve has been created.

To restore the tiger's natural food base, 205 individuals of tugai deer were brought into the reserve from 2018 to 2024, work was carried out to relocate more than 100 heads of kulans, and the density of roe deer and wild boar populations was increased.

In autumn of this year, two tigers were brought from the Netherlands to the Ile-Balkhash reserve for cage breeding. In 2025, 3-4 tigers from the wild are expected to be brought from the Russian Federation.

"We hope that the imported tigers and their offspring will be the first wild tigers reappeared in Kazakhstan after more than 70 years of absence," Yerlan Nysanbayev said.

It is noted that the resettlement of animals and the creation of conditions for their adaptation contribute to the conservation of species and restoration of the natural balance of the unique steppe ecosystems of Kazakhstan.

Also under the programme for the restoration of kulan populations successfully completed work on the resettlement of kulans in the reserves "Ile-Balkhash" and "Altyn-Dala".

Thanks to 14 individuals imported from Turkmenistan in 1956, the number of kulans has reached 4493 animals.

The work on reintroduction of Przewalski's horse continues, earlier the historical habitat of the horse in Kazakhstan included the territory of 9 regions of Kazakhstan.

Przewalski's horse disappeared from the world wildlife by the end of 1960s.

Thanks to cooperation between the Ministry and international organisations, in June this year the first 7 Przewalski's horses were brought from the Prague Zoo to the Altyn Dala reserve in the Kostanay region. It is planned to bring 40 heads of horses till 2029.

Yerlan Nysanbayev also emphasised that another example of successful experience of wildlife conservation in the country is the growth of the saiga population from 21,000 animals in 2003 to 2.8 million animals in 2024, with a projected post-emergency population of about 4 million animals. Today, 99 per cent of the world's saiga population is in Kazakhstan.

"The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) has upgraded the conservation status of saigas on the international Red List by three categories from “Endangered” to “Near Threatened," Yerlan Nysanbayev added.

Together with the deputies of the Majilis, a bill has been initiated to develop the potential for game breeding.

The experience of game breeding abroad convincingly proves that artificial breeding of wild animals helps to restore the number of rare animal species, reduce pressure on their natural populations, creates reserves of the gene pool of species, helps to maintain balance in ecosystems and genetic diversity of fauna.

"For example, in Western Europe about 10 thousand farms keep more than 700 thousand ungulates. In New Zealand they keep more than 800 thousand individuals of red and spotted deer, as well as fallow deer. In Namibia, 5,000 ranches hold over 500,000 animals of 11 species of ungulates," Yerlan Nysanbayev said.

Within the framework of digitalisation, the Ministry together with NC Kazakstan Garysh Sapary JSC developed an interactive map of natural resources "".

At the moment the map contains data on habitats, migration of wild animals and hunting farms. In the future it is planned to add information on national parks, water bodies, tourist routes, recreational areas, fishing grounds.

In realisation of obligations of the Republic of Kazakhstan within the framework of the Convention on Biodiversity Conservation the development of the "Concept of Biodiversity Conservation in the Republic of Kazakhstan" is being finalised, which will determine the further strategy of work on rare species for the next 10 years.

"In 9 regions, specialised wildlife conservation organisations have not yet been established and 14.8 million hectares of the reserve fund remain unprotected. This burden falls on the ministries of ecology and natural resources, as well as internal affairs. Some regions have found an optimal solution to this issue. In particular, in Karaganda region a separate organisation was not created, but the existing institution for the protection of forests and wildlife was given additional functions," Yerlan Nysanbayev noted.

In addition, as the Minister noted, akimats should organise work on scientific research in the field of protection, reproduction and use of wildlife. The regions do not actually carry out this work.

The issue of reducing the number of saker falcon also requires attention. According to scientists, in recent decades it has become extremely rare, and in some areas it has completely disappeared.

At the same time, the lack of extensive research to determine the current population size of the Saker Falcon in Kazakhstan does not allow the government to develop a position on conservation and restoration measures.

In this regard, the Ministry has developed two scientific and technical programmes for 2025-2027, in terms of research into the actual number of the saker falcon and assessing the effectiveness of its release into the environment.

"At present, we are waiting for consideration of these topics at the meeting of the Higher Scientific and Technical Commission, after which we will go to the Republican Budget Commission for consideration. To effectively restore the falcon population, it is necessary to establish a reproduction centre. We are currently working on this issue with international partners," Yerlan Nysanbayev concluded.

#Government session #Ministry of Environment #State Programs

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