On July 13, Prime Minister Askar Mamin took part in a minute of silence ceremony in memory of the victims of the pandemic.
On Saturday, Mamin took part in a conference call on combating the spread of coronavirus infection chaired by the Head of State.
On Tuesday, at a regular government session chaired by the prime minister, measures to implement the instructions given by the Head of State at an extended government session on July 10, 2020, were considered.
On July 17, 2020, in Minsk, the Prime Minister Mamin took part in a meeting of the Eurasian Intergovernmental Council.
As part of the Council’s work, a bilateral meeting of the Prime Minister Askar Mamin and the President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko took place. The parties discussed the prospects for cooperation between the two countries in the trade, economic, industrial, agricultural, digital spheres, as well as within the Eurasian Economic Union and other integration associations. The meeting was traditionally held in a narrow and expanded format, and during the meeting, the progress of work on removing barriers within the framework of the EAEU internal market, improving mechanisms for the application of special protective, anti-dumping and countervailing measures, further developing the system of marking goods with identification means, forming common gas and oil and petroleum products markets, as well as other issues were considered.
As a result of the meeting, the interstate program "Integrated system of the member states of the Eurasian Economic Union for the production and provision of space and geoinformation products and services based on national sources of Earth remote sensing data" was adopted.
The Council approved a comprehensive plan of measures in the field of health care and sanitary and epidemiological well-being of the population to prevent the spread of COVID-19 and other infectious diseases in the territories of the EAEU member states, ordered the development of maps for the EAEU agroindustry and industrialization, and also made a decision from March 2021 to abolish marks of customs authorities in transport, commercial and other documents when performing customs operations in electronic form.
Prime Minister Askar Mamin held bilateral talks with the heads of the governments of Belarus — Roman Golovchenko, Kyrgyzstan — Kubatbek Boronov, Russia — Mikhail Mishustin, Moldova — Ion Chicu.
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