Alikhan Smailov visits unique industrial waste recycling enterprise in Aktobe region

During his working trip to Aktobe region, Prime Minister of Kazakhstan Alikhan Smailov familiarized himself with the activities of a unique sludge processing plant of Donskoye Mining and Processing Plant of TNC Kazchrome JSC, opened in Chromtau district.

About 900 thousand tons of sludge waste is generated annually during crushing and grinding of chrome ore at the Donskoy GOK. Currently, 14.5 million tons of sludge containing up to 35% of chromium oxide have already been accumulated. The enrichment plant, technologically advanced and automated in accordance with the advanced standards, will allow extracting chromium oxide from sludge by gravity enrichment. The resulting commercial concentrate will contain at least 48.5% chromium oxide. In general, the new enterprise will allow to process constantly generated wastes of existing production facilities and previously accumulated sludge in the amount of about 1.7 million tons per year. 

Akim of Aktobe region Yeraly Tugzhanov said that the factory is one of the main projects of a large-scale program on processing of waste sludge, aimed at increasing the efficiency of production and improving the environmental well-being of the region. 

The Prime Minister also emphasized that the factory will make a significant contribution to improving the local ecology. 

"This project is very important. The most important thing is that after processing, the tailings should be properly reclaimed in accordance with all environmental standards, so that there is minimal impact on the environment and public health. The government will support this and other raw materials processing projects in every possible way," Alikhan Smailov said.

#Alikhan Smailov #The Prime Minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan #Industry #Regions

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