The Kazakh Prime Minister’s Office is a state body that coordinates the activities of state bodies, control functions, and other functions stipulated by the legislation and the Regulations of the Office.
Office’s Mission: informational, analytical, procedural and institutional support to the activities of the Prime Minister and the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
The main tasks of the Office are as follows:
information-analytical, procedural and institutional, documentation and other support to the activities of the Prime Minister and the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
implementation of the unified state policy in the sphere of protection of state secrets and information security;
coordination of works on creation of a unified system of information and telecommunication support of public authorities, including information databases;
coordination of the activities of state bodies in the preparation and execution of acts of the Government and the Prime Minister;
сontrol of the timing of execution of acts and orders of the Head of State given to the Government, Government and Prime Minister’s decisions, Prime Minister's orders, his deputies, the Head of the Office and his deputies;
examination of financial, economic, legal and other aspects of the Government and Prime Minister’s decisions, the conclusion on the results of which carries information-advisory nature to the Prime Minister, his deputies and the Head of the Office when taking decisions to sign or to negotiate the relevant documents.
Contact Information:
Astana, Mangіlіk El Avenue 6, office A 509
List of organizations under the authority of the Office
1. Republican State Institution "State Courier Service of the Republic of Kazakhstan"